WTS Triglavian Victory SKINs - SOLD

I have one full set of Triglavian Victory SKINs in Jita 4-4.

Damavik - 1.5b
Vedmak - 9.5b
Leshak - 14b

I’d accept 23b for the full set.

I also have a full set of Netherworld Striker SKINs,

Kikimora - 8b
Vedmak - 8b
Leshak - 20b

Or 30b for the full set.

Still being sold. Would be open to a bulk deal for all of them as well.

Still available.

Still up for grabs

Still available

Still up

I’d do 20b for the trig set & 25b for the netherworld set

Hey hey, is this an offer or a recommendation?

To clarify if it’s an offer I’d be down to sell both sets for 45b.

I’ll take both sets for 45b. Let me know when the contract is up and I’ll accept.

Hey, contract is up for Chas Ramidan, I contacted him via EVEmail and he clarified today that it was an offer. Hasn’t accepted yet, if he doesn’t in 24h I’ll recontract it to you Fred. Sorry for the inconvenience.

All SKINs sold to Chas for 45b.

Congrats, maybe next time.

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