WTS Virtuoso


WTS various assets including rare skins big collection with big discount save over 35b! trade

n0 give me isk

well I tried and you rejected

The only other virtuoso for sale is casper’s 190b one and who knows if it’s in jita or not. Not really much wriggle room on the 200b

3 have sold in the last 2 months for 120-135b

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But now all the cheap ones are gone and only the expensive ones are left :stuck_out_tongue:

sent evemail (again)

Removed Off-topic posts as well as some attempts to troll the thread.

Bump to the top!


Good deal!

Cheapest and best virtuoso for sale

Best AT bomber

lol 200 billion for a Virtuoso, not budging since May 19


Since all other virtuosos are selling for 200b now, it seems like a pretty fair deal.

funny since one is up for sale literally when u replied for 150

Don’t worry, I mailed that person. Would be a shame to see someone rip themselves off.

Great deal!

Looks like an attempt to control prices to me. Market rigging. Which, even if Eve Online does allow cartel-like activity to take place, still deserves to be exposed.