Neurolink Protection Cells are a pain to make, so let me do it for you. I build neurolink protection cells in bulk, where economies of scale shine.
Current Price: 1.06B/unit
Max Order Size: 80 units
Min Order Size: 10 units
Delivery to most NPC lowsec stations
1 Like
Bump; price increased from 1.06B->1.1B / unit due to underlying isotropic deposition guide shortages. Next run coming out in 5-6 days, make sure to reserve the cells you want before then
Bump; prices lowered back down to 1.06B. Next run coming out in 5-6 days, make sure to reserve any cells you want before then
Bump; next run coming out in 2 days, reserve yo cells
December 14, 2024, 1:42pm
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