WTS Women's 'Glass Semiotique' Monocle Interface (right) 5B

Looking to sell my Women’s ‘Glass Semiotique’ Monocle Interface (right)

Want 5B currently listed for 5.6B next best price is 5.8B

Interested parties are advised to mail, I don’t check the forums frequently.

I offer 3b for it.

4.5B counter

I’ll up my bid to 3.3b seeing as one sold in may for that amount, even though since then it has sold for much less.

I’ll offer 3.6b, contract it to me if I win.

sorry 5B is the lowest id go

And yet you countered a previous offer to 4.5b.
Anyways np, gl with sale

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So i did lol, fair enough 4.5b lol …

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