Xx SOLD xx


Has a positive wallet
Located in hi-sec
No kill rights
Seller pays transfer (Cash transfer)

Character skill set

Entertaining offers above 45b

Seller has right to accept an offer and end this sale at any time.

Thanks for looking.

Will you be paying for the transfer with PLEX or real money?

Cash transfer

PLEX takes a super long time (1-2 weeks) and real money (20$) takes 10 hours. I’d do 45b if you pay with real money.

I’ll accept your offer if no more interest in next hour or so. Thanks.

I am willing to pay 46B

46.5b offer

47b offer

47.5b offer

48b offer

50b offer.

I accept your offer. Send 50b isk and I’ll start the transfer immediately.

ISK sent. Sending account name in a moment.

Account name has been mailed to riot storm.

Isk received
Cash transfer to requested account.

EVE Character transfer

Payment Method

Card ending in xxxxx

Account Information



EVE Character transfer




Thank you :smiley:

Character has been transferred.

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