Zero Reps Given- Sov Null PVP/ PVE / Indy Corp

Great Bunch of Guys! Check them Out!! :sunglasses:

Heck of a hot week. Come by and check us out.

Come check us out in this hot weekend

Im in the corp been in for 3 months. Come join us we get stuff like this. Keepstar | SummerHall | Killmail | zKillboard

Plus roams and fleets everyday.

Come check us out.

Come by this weekend and check us out.

New week and new start in eve.

Hit us up.

Amazing Group of Guys! Hit them UP!!

Bump it up.

Come stop by and check us out.

Bump for the weekend.

Good bunch of guys check them out!!!

Bump for a great weekend

Bump for the REPLS Crew!

Haven’t bump for a while.

Great Guys! Drop in for a chat with them!!!

Wonderful Sunday.

Bump it up.

Bump New month

Still kicking