Audio configuration: Something basic I don't understand or a bug?

Honestly, we don’t know, because we usually don’t bother with the music. You’ll hear people express this by replying “EVE has sound?”

In theory, “classic EVE music” was a number of eerie instrumental tracks that would just loop continuously, regardless of what you were doing in game. At one point in the past we even had a little music player where we could choose to listen to all tracks or only a subset of them. At some other point in the past we even had an mpeg player where we could queue up our own music from in-game. They’ve been removed, in favor of the “dynamic” music which is supposed to fade in and fade out the faster beats when you’re in combat vs. the more relaxing beats when you’re mining.

So it should work the way you expect, but most of us turn the Music volume down to 0 and don’t bother with EVE’s music at all. We simply alt-tab out of the game and put our own playlists in Windows, or tune to Pandora or whatever.

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