Dividends have been paid out and they were record high:
2.04 M per share (5.1%). 3000 shares out, total payout is 6.12 bn, accumulated payout is 57.3 bn.
You may notice that these dividends were paid out over two rounds. Why?
This is because the museum is now making its own money with the officer module shop, and the first month of sales went splendidly. Six modules were sold.
The October dividends of altogether 5.1% thus are broken down as 2.2% that came from the known and transparent profits from the forum sales, and 2.9% came from the dark money pool of Cista2.
It is the ambition that the donations from Cista2 shall at some point shrink to nothing and the museum shall be independent.
Also, the vote about taking a loan went through (100%), so be on the lookout for that loan/bonds later this month.