This thread is the home of all activities related to EVE Museum.
Starting August 2021, shares are now available to buy and sell back to the museum anytime.
Price of 1 share is 50 million ISK.
Monthly interest rate is 0.5 %, so 250,000 ISK per share.
To buy shares, post here, and send the allotted money to CistaCista. I will then send the shares directly to the character that has posted.
Never return shares to me without prior conversation.
EVE Museum is a privately owned, but part publicly run company. Share owners do no not own the right to the assets. Original share sales were held in 2015(2), 2017, and 2019.
Eve Museum is found in the Malkalen system. Read all about us on the Eve Museum webpage.
Things such as shareholder votes will also be announced here, so keep an eye on the thread.
You can also make a simple donation and become infamous (as described on the webpage)! Thanks!
[CistaCista = Cista2]