The like and get likes thread

That’s neither about building compilers, nor Bach :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Ok, that was just a motif, but this should be more recognizable: :sunglasses:


Would have to be wormholes! :sunglasses:

Found one of my favorite old FW FCs flying for a wormhole corp, and they’re recruiting! Also found a WH merc corp that looks interesting. Otherwise I’m outta the loop and don’t really know anyone anymore.

Will see if I get enthused enough to sub up yet :smiley:


I like you and your posts. :clap:

It appears you kno da wae



Had a roast for dinner. Im gonna need a nap. And its already almost bedtime.


I’m sad that you had to make that decission, but he lived long and sure you will have lots of memories of your four legged friend and the time he shared with you.

RIP Linus’ dog.


Time to go to bed. It’s been a while since the last time I said “go to sleep” because that’s not necessarily related to going to bed, but for a few horus and random batches fo sleep. Like last night, jsut on the last batch, I managed to have a dream about trains. Dreaming about trains is supposed to mean the need to take a new way in your life or making a decission.

And that’s right at the moment. I am experiencing increasing symptoms of diabetes, and hasn’t helped that I’ve managed to fat yet another 6 kg last year. So I should be exercising more, eating better and seeing my doc. “Should” being the key concept…

Nighties lovelies!

Also: Bill wants to clarify a common but wrong misconception:

Fathers less likely to lose their children and/or their health and abbility to sustain their families actually have less children. Who would have thought?


This is one picture of a series found in the summary… I wonder if it’s a youtube bug… ssh did report some strange stuff with connecting to other computers, or them connecting to mine… :bug:




Good news, the Switch has been hacked to run Linux and anything you want

Now it’s a tablet :stuck_out_tongue:


You need to find da wae.

Timezone everyone :kissing_heart:/


Turning a portable console into a tablet! Because, you know, there is a definite lack of tablets in the world… and then they wonder why women don’t STEM. :wink:

Of course I understand why they do it, but it’s the kind of completely unpractical, gratuitous act of dick-waving that only interests some men and a tiny fraction of women.


Changing one’s ways it’s a difficult thing to do. Probably I’ll do it when I am more scared than I am now… and things become more uncomfortable.

In a sense, there is no point to go visit the doc so he tells you to lose weight, exercise and eat well, until you’re mentally ready to lose weight, exercise and eat well.

Also, good morning LAGLers!


Houm, I’ve just read that the author of the Florida shooting haves several mental conditions that apparently weren’t being properly controlled. Depression, ADHS, autism, had lost both adoptive parents (the latest his mother) and was alone but apparently all he got was some pills and since his mother died last year nobody really knew nor cared about whether he was taking the medicines.

And yet he could buy a gun and was expected to take all up his until he went definitively nuts. Yeah, it’s not as if mentally ill people pose a threat to themselves and others if you just ignore them and their special needs… :thinking:


Autistic people aren’t “mentally ill”. They’re just different.

Claiming “it’s because of autism!” is rumor-mongering about a topic that the person that made that statement knows nothing about. It’s sensationalizing a story through prejudice, wrong information and outright lies using a, at best, tangentially-related topic.


Baby steps, just baby steps. And you will find yourself on the moon, making small steps too. \o/


He is not the only who had autism and ended up shooting people around him, just few months ago Scott Kologi murdered his family with a gun that did not belong to him personally. Gun is the last thing I would like to see around people in general, not only around autists.


Are you seriously trying to make a connection between autism and shooting people? About 1% of the world population is autistic. How many of those you think are murderers? How many of the 99% that aren’t are murderers?

I can’t be arsed looking it up right now, but autistics are severely less inclined to commit a crime, any crime, than non-autistics are. That’s a scientific fact.
Your opinion is solely based on rumor-mongering and selection bias, not accurate information. Making a blanket statement about “he’s autistic, clearly he’s mentally ill” is not only moronic, it’s group-think and demonizing something barely related to the actual topic.
What’s next? All Muslims are terrorists, because some people are blowing themselves up in the name of Allah?

The only thing that “autism” in that story you linked adds is buzzword hyping and stereotyping using prejudice. It doesn’t add anything factual to the article, it only serves to confirm bias, demonize a select group of people and breed hate. All to get the news site more clicks to drive up their ad revenue.


Did I? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Just presented a fact that something like shooting by autistic person happened, i dont make any research so I cant claim anything…

More important is the fact that I am generally far away from giving guns to people, than why would they want to murder others.

But this change in american culture would need more than my wish, when you have images like that:

It can be really hard to change what is in peoples hearts.


You present it like autism had anything to do with it, which it doesn’t. I can take any random attribute, assign it to a person, and find another person that did the same thing with the same attribute. It doesn’t prove any direct or indirect correlation, it just sensationalizes something and confirms selection bias.

What do you think is the difference between the three

  • man shot
  • white man shot
  • black man shot

when used in reporting? With objective journalism you’ll only see the first one, that a man was shot, since the color of his skin adds absolutely nothing informational. All it adds is confirmation bias. If it’s reported as white man, people might go up in arms and be outraged. If it’s a black man, you’ll have them think along the lines of “Nigger had it coming”. By changing how you present the information (man shot), you change the way people are going to perceive it.
A smart person can see behind the hidden agenda, but the average person lacks the critical thinking abilities to dissect it and will buy right into whatever agenda you feed him.


Geez, so I cant even say that there was another case when autistic person shoot someone? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Objective journalism

Objectively stated that this person had autism. Nothing spared.

Objective information or analysis is fact-based, measurable and observable.