We are a small, highly specialized german industrial corp currently looking for a new home in sov 0.0. We are into production, research, PI and mining, but like to rat or scan occasionally too.
What we can offer Raising military and industrial ADMs in your space (we can keep a system index at max) Providing you with all kinds of requested hulls, fitted ships, ores or other stuff Absolutely self-sustaining, trouble free, mature, friendly and helpful guys
What we are looking for Sov 0.0 space for us to live in and find a new place called home not being forced to go into pvp fleets or sit in voice coms Infrastructure for refining, research, PI, scanning, ratting and production
Please write us here in forums because this is just an anonymous toon
Saw you are looking for a new home! Orb Flux is a reformed alliance that is going to be taking up home in null sec. We would be interested in adding another corp to the roster! Give me a message in game (Daedalus Prometheus)
We can use a a Corp like yours. DIGIT alliance has a NS home and a great many of our corps operate in the EU time zone. Cypherdyne Industries (CI) is a Nullsec based corp running in the NA/EU Time zone and we are looking for you! We offer a home to new recruits and veteran pilots alike.
If you are interested please join DIGIT External and then, please apply in-game to Cypherdyne Industries and we will give you additional instructions
@Jovian_Ambassador looks like youre still thinking. Want to hit me up in a more formal method so that I can help figure something out with you. Lots of great stuff to be had down in Ten. Just kicked some reds out on to the next adventure.
Saw you are looking for a new home! Federation Uprising is a year old alliance that holds an entire constellation in nullsec. We would be interested in adding another corp to the roster, especially an Industry corp! Join our discord to inquire further: bit.ly/FEDUPDiscord