102m SP LF Nullsec Corp - PvP and PvE

Good Morning / Time Appropriate Greetings, Frank!

My name is Odysemus - I am a Director and the Lead Recruiter for Project Omega Industries.
We are a large, null. sec. corporation that makes its home in large pocket of Esoteria and Feythabolis. We are the largest corp. within the Shadow Ultimatum alliance, which is part of the Imperium - a coalition under the Goonswarm.

We have daily PvP gangs and roams and host daily/weekly strategic operations, home defense fleets and roams that vary in size and fleet compositions.
We have a great space for Sansha and Angel ratting, as well as multiple, daily moon pops.

Our Corp. has representation primarily within the USTZ, as well as some EUTZ and AUTZ members - our alliance, however, is round-the-clock and our mumble always has players online gaming!

I would really love it if you considered joining us!
I will send you some more details in-game (via mail) with links to join our Discord and Public channels so we can chat when it is best for you!

I look forward to hearing from you AND flying with you!
