Returning player looking for nullsec corp/alliance

Looking to see if the game is in a healthy enough state to warrant resubbing. Looking for a Null sec corp/alliance that is fairly active, mature and not afk 5 out of 7 days. I dont multibox and my main toon has plenty of sp to do most types of ops.

Not interested in Goons or their allies ever.

Welcome back
Have a look at our topic, we might be what you are looking for, if interested just hop in discord so we can have a chat.

o7 Fly safe

Hey mate, come check us out. We are in an independent alliance and coalition: Militant Industrialists

Hey Ealdain, I think our corp might be a good fit for you. Come check out our post, It’ll give you some info about us and what we are about! there is link to our discord if you have any questions! hope to see you around!


Hey man, I’m a leader of Legion Ascending, a null sec PVPVE/INDY corp. We have our toes in all the things from industry to all forms of PVP to PVE. We are a bunch of laid back guys who enjoy playing together and doing things as a group, even if that is just chilling in comms talking smack. Come have a chat with us and see what you think, we will answer any questions you have.

If your interested in what we have to offer then jump onto our discord for a chat. We would love to talk to you!

Yamagata Syndicate Recruitment Ad

Hi there m8

If being part of a small and independent pvp group that operates out of pochven please make sure to check our latest vide below

hope to hear from you


hello if ya dont mind npc null. we are recruiting for pilots to join us in stain. joing chophq game channel in game or message dogsoldier82 in game so we can chat and see if we are a fit for you.

What about former allies that are now fighting the Goons (and others)?

If that interests you, I’d invite you to consider Gildinous Vangaurd (GILDI), a member of The Initiative. We’re part of no bloc, and have no blues. Please have a look at our recruiting post for more details. I wish you success in your search.