Project Omega - Active Null-Sec corporation looking for active pilots - US/EU/AUTZ - PvP/PvE/Industry

We are Project Omega Industries

Our goal is to create a core of active players who are self-sufficient and likeminded. Every member of Project Omega has a stake in our success and decision-making process to help drive the corporation forward. We value PVP as well as Industry. It is every pilot’s responsibility to learn the skills required to operate as a member of our team, aggressively defend our home territory, drive our economy forward, earn the respect of our alliance and coalition and project our power across New Eden. To that end, we are here to share our veteran knowledge and expertise with you. Regardless of your experience or skill point level it is your job to take the steps necessary to grow and learn as a pilot and integrate into the community. It is you who will make or break the corporation.

Fly Dangerous!

Jeeves Korso

What we offer:

  • Real life will always come first.
  • Relaxed veteran friendly environment.
  • An active corporation with active corporation leadership.
  • Mentoring and guidance to those who wish it.
  • New bro assistance.
  • Alliance and corporation level Ship Replacement Program.
  • Veteran FCs with a junior FC program in place.
  • Regular corporation, alliance, and coalition combat fleets.
  • Regular mining expeditions with access to R64 and R32 moons + Shattered Wormholes.
  • Capital and Sub-Capital warfare.
  • Black-Ops Warfare. “Umbra Bellum…”
  • An Extensive BPO library at your disposal.
  • Fully rigged production facilities with bonuses.
  • Corporation team projects and goals.
  • Corporation and alliance jump freighter services.
  • We take care of our own.

What we require:

  • Full Auth and ESI registration of all characters.
  • Have a working microphone and be on TeamSpeak 3 if you are online.
  • Have a working discord and pay attention to corporation and alliance pings.
  • Have a good attitude.
  • Must be willing to skill into main line corporation and alliance doctrines.
  • Participation in major defensive CTA’s.
  • Must have basic English skills.

Contact one of our recruiters to get started:

Jeeves Korso
Darwin Hawk
Aldred Kes
Patrick Wolfsblood

Join our in game channel - Project Omega Public
Join our Discord

We are actively recruiting.

Recruitment is open.

Join Project Omega. We are active and growing!

Porject Omega is recruting. Join us

Project Omega is recruiting!

Project Omega is recruiting! Your null adventure awaits!

Project Omega is recruiting!

Project Omega is recruiting

Project Omega is recruiting.

Project Omega is recruiting

Project Omega is recruiting.

We are hiring!

Project Omega is actively recruiting!

“All hail the martyrs! On their blood is our Imperium founded, in their remembrance do we honour ourselves.” -

“Life is the Imperium’s currency, spend it well”

“Doubt forms the path to damnation.”

“A coward’s only reward is to live in fear another day.”

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“Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life.”

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“In the blazing furnace of battle, we shall forge anew the iron will of yet a stronger Imperium.”

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