Returning vet looking for active corp

Hey Spiderweb!
Welcome back and congrats on the house and the boat! There are so many questions I have about the personal side of your post - BUT, I feel like this may not be the forum for that, specifically! Hopefully I get an opportunity to get some details from you in the coming days!

I am Odysemus!
I am the lead recruiter for Project Omega Industries, a subsidiary of the Shadow Ultimatum Alliance (which falls under the Imperium (Goonswarm)) - full disclosure!

We are a large, very active Null. Sec. corporation that makes its home in the deeper recesses of Esoteria. We have a very lucrative pocket of space with quick and easy access to PvP and access to a whole host of other space that is controlled by the wider Imperium. You really can’t go wrong here.
HOWEVER, I think what shines the brightest about us and our alliance is our real life/family first policies and our compassionate, engaged community. We have a lot of fun with eachother and have deep running bonds that for many of us started around the time EVE started - like yourself.

I would REALLY love it if you considered coming to join us!
I will message you in-game, as well with some more details and I look forward to hearing from you!
