115m SP Returning Player (NA TZ, Casual but Bored)

Sentiment Stuff:
■ Returning Vet, it’s been a couple years.
■ Very casual this go around, not going to Omega my character unless I find a good group to run with first. Waste of money/ISK to just sit around otherwise.
■ I like content as much as the next guy, but would prefer social corps to just busy ones, these days.
■ Bigger isn’t always better. If your machine just needs cogs, don’t add me. I’d like to be included, not indentured.
■ Content favorites go: Explo → Indy → PvE → PvP → Mining → Whatever else people get up to, anymore.

Technical Stuff:
■ 115m SP. No capital training, never interested me. Just about everything else, to some degree though.
■ PVP Experience was decent, but years subtract. Never FC’d, Trained hard for logi, barely got to fly it.
■ Old (circa Tyrannis) WH life experience. More recent null life experience. Lots of being bored in HS experience.

tl;dr If you can make it fun and engaging enough, I can happily do anything in this game.

Ethereal Morality Proud Member of the Initiative

✪ Chill Real Life Comes First Group of mature people


✪ PvP :skull_and_crossbones: oriented corp with PVE opportunities.

✪ Plenty of ISK making opportunities to fund PVP.

✪ Extensive Alliance infrastructure in place in space, With Alliance JF Services

✪ Experienced Corp Leadership and FC’s

✪ Friendly Members who are always willing to help

  • What We Require-
    ✪ At least one useful Alt (Cap Or Tackle)

✪ Minimum Age of 18 years old

✪ Omega Account

✪ 35,000,000 SP minimum Must be self-sufficient in: Rating in 0.0, Mining, Exploring, etc… 5 FATs per month requirement

✪ Full ESI on All Characters

✪ No Drama

✪ Willingness to train into Alliance Doctrine Ships and Be part of the Team. We often enjoy playing other games together when not logged into EVE.

If you want to know more Join us on Discord

Hi Steel-

If you want to avoid being an F1 grunt and enjoy the teamwork and camraderie of small gang pvp, you might consider Sheriff. We’re US TZ lowsec PVP :slight_smile: .

Discord; Sheriff.

A few frapse with comms if you want to assess us:

You would be a good fit for EndlessRain (ENRA). We are a part of a small to medium sized nullsec alliance that is into industry/PvE and PvP.

Your point about being a social corp certainly applies for us as we’re a very tightly knit group who love to chill out while playing EVE.

If that interests you, I’d recommend hitting us up on our Discord if you want to learn more!
Fly safe o7

My corp is Legion Ascending, we are a part of the Gentlemen’s Club alliance. Were located in null so theres all the null things to do. small and larger scale PVP but not tidi. plenty of explo and were getting our industry up and going with boosted mining fleets for ice, moon and belts so we can support the local economy and make our corp profitable for our members. There are no pap requirements. If you can show up, great! if not, life happens. Come to our discord and have a chat with us, see what you think.

Hey man,

Were a nice WH group super chill. Come check us out. I am not going to give you a long story here. The bottom line is it sounds like you have some good experience. Come check us out on discord.

I look forward to chatting with you soon.

Hey SteelMyst,

We here at The Starlight Forge might be the right group for you. We are a new and growing null-sec corporation that while small currently is very sociable and laid back.

What we offer:

  • Daily alliance PvP fleets.
  • PvE
  • Infrastructure for Industry
  • Weekly Mining Fleets (including R64 Moons)
  • Exploration.

What we require:

  • Working Mic
  • Discord & Mumble
  • Active Participation in Fleets (No set number, just active)

If you are interested please feel free to drop by our discord for a chat, or join our in-game channel: Starlight Forge.

I always find myself late on these things! Bah!

Hey SteelMyst!
I’d like to extend an invitation for you to come and join Project Omega Industries:

I won’t butter it up - EVE is still EVE. However, Project Omega is a rather large, and very active corporation with a VERY active and engage leadership team.
We are part of Shadow Ultimatum which is affiliated with the Imperium (Goonswarm) - but, what we have - and what it sounds like you are looking for - is an awesome community.
I think, based on what you have said, is that you are looking for that ‘right’ group of people - I can assure you, you will find fun, friendship and community here and we get quite a bit of content (across all aspects of EVE), too!

I will send you a message in-game and I really look forward to you joining us on this go-around for some fun times and an adventure.

Cheers mate!

Hello o/ , welcome back to the game! After years of off and on gameplay, Ive come to the realization that flying with the right group is a very important, and often overlooked, aspect of this game. A few months back I landed with a smaller, family esque null-sec corp under Pandemic Horde. And Ive really come to love the guys I sit in comms with. It makes ratting seem like social time with my buddies at a bar instead of a chore I hate doing. Im with Zero Reps Given, and within the few dozen or so actual players in the discord, we offer tons of a variety in gameplay. Daily mining ops within the corp, ratting, pocket defense, wormhole diving, and even small gang roams within the corp are mainly what we do, and we really enjoy it! Its fun playing with a dozen people and getting to know them more personally as opposed to sitting in a chat with 1000 others and feeling awkward about even asking a question. If any or at all interested, I know there are plenty of replies here already, please consider us! Lets talk in game, or Discord anytime. Discord linked here: Zero Reps Given
If not, I understand!!
Until then, fly safe! o7

Hey there, I am a recruiter for a tight nit laid back wormhole corporation, Brewmaster Armada. We have your top 4 forms of content readily available in our C4 hole. We dabble in a bit of everything and like to have a beer and a good time, in game and in comms. We create an environment that fosters good relationships, because we find its the best way to enjoy the game and help defend eachother when we fly together.

If you would like to know more please feel free to contact me on discord: hellbent69420

We are a close knit community of Eve veterans that has established a new corporation. We are looking for like minded people to join from the ground up and build something amazing!

Our corporation includes people that have diverse playstyles and as such we can support your journey through New Eden; PVP, Industry, Mining and Exploration, we have some of the best players in every play style.

PVP is a requirement. From small skirmishes to large strategic engagements, every member has a place.

We have a zero tolerance for sexism, racism, homophobia and any other kind of hateful behavior.

All members are expected to be able to speak on comms. Communication is key to our community, having a fun chat about the recent battle, or just a banter of good times!!

We are heavy EUTZ, with players in the AUTZ and USTZ times.

What we offer! And so much more!

  • Close knit PvP focused community.
  • Regular structured PvP activities.
  • Corp starter package/handout.
  • Capital ship pathway, training and leadership.
  • Access to rapidly expanding BPO library.
  • Prompt and flexible Corp buy back schemes.

What we expect!

  • Active on Discord and in comms while in game minimum.
  • Achieve 7 alliance fleet activity tracking hours a month.
  • Open to learn and grow as a group.
  • No drama or toxicity tolerated.

Application requirements and process.

  • 15 million skill points minimum is a recommendation but not a hard requirement.
  • A zKillboard, We are a PVP focused corp. No zKillboard is worse then a red kill board.
  • Skilled pilots or those eager to learn and grow with Aegis Victorium are welcome to apply.

We are not an instant accept corporation; we will have a full background check, interview and probation term upon applying.

Application times vary but this can take 2-5 days.

**CLICK HERE **to start your journey with Aegis Victorium!

Imperium Technologies - PvP | Null Sec | New & Old
[ PvP focused with 100% SRP ] - No Life like Null Life -

Discover the rich content and deep social bonds of the 0.0 experience. We offer training and access to the highest end content available in New Eden. Become part of a gaming family that stretches back to the dawn of Eve. Join a rich tradition of combat pranks, territorial wars and, in general, causing as much trouble as we can, wherever we go.

  • Come be a part of gaming history! Join an ancient nullsec Corp whose history stretches back to 2003.

  • Newbros/Returning/Olds welcome, all can apply.

  • 80% Buyback program for all your loot.

  • 0.0 Life!!! vast area of null-sec spanning the Southeast of New Eden.

  • Open boarders with all coalitions space.

  • 20 years of knowledge and experience to help elevate your game.


  • Have microphone and comms software (Teamspeak, Mumble, Discord)

  • PvP focused, We play hard, we fight hard. Must be willing and able to kill.

  • Must be +18 years of age or older (family/friends exempt as long as they are mature).

Please contact me for more info
In-game name: Bloodytears Damon
Discord: Archmage1006
IT Discord: Imperium Technologies

Welcome back to the game! Give us a look!

Recruitment post

TLBM would love to have you if you’re okay with sharing the space with newbros. We’re relatively small now but growing and quite social. Fun comes first here. Nothing is mandatory and no grinds are forced on you. But we’ll have more and more stuff going on as we grow. You definitely won’t be a cog here even when we get bigger. I’m the CEO and like to get to know everyone and hang out in comms all day while I’m on. We’re living in npc nullsec and are a nullsec pirate corp - we’ll raid the big alliances for fun and never blue them.

Hey! I’m a new player, but reaching out to people for my corp. We operate in a C2 wormhole. We are quite new with a few veteran players and some noobs like myself. We are trying to be a good corp that can help new players. We are creating content specifically for the noobs. We are about to have a freeport set up. We are primarily pve focused, but I and others want to get into some pvp. We are allied with a large pvp focused corp that has our backs in the wormhole. We could use the help of another veteran especially to assist the noobs with your knowledge. Don’t feel like playing the game for a week? no big deal, your assistance in our discord answering noob questions would be immensely helpful. Check out https://occultanavis.net/ if you are interested!

Hey! I’m a new player, but reaching out to people for my corp. We operate in a C2 wormhole. We are quite new with a few veteran players and some noobs like myself. We are trying to be a good corp that can help new players. We are creating content specifically for the noobs. We are about to have a freeport set up. We are primarily pve focused, but I and others want to get into some pvp. We are allied with a large pvp focused corp that has our backs in the wormhole. We could use the help of another veteran especially to assist the noobs with your knowledge. Don’t feel like playing the game for a week? no big deal, your assistance in our discord answering noob questions would be immensely helpful. Check out occultanavis[.]net if you are interested!

Hay bud ill not bore you with a big add my corp and alliance live out in npc null we have plenty of pew pew… and Mining if that’s your thing, we lay back and play for fun RL comes first… hit me up for more information