17.5mil SP pilot looking for an AUTZ corp

Hey there tiredpineapple!

My name is Odysemus, I am one of the recruiters for Project Omega Industries, a large null-sec. corp. that makes residence in Esoteria! We are part of the greater Shadow Ultimatum Alliance under the umbrella of the Imperium (Goonswarm).

We have a very large and active corp that has members in the AUTZ time zone. As well, our alliance (Mumble) always has players on from around the globe that you can interact with and play with based on your interests in a comfortable space with lots of support, both in practical defense and player knowledge and skill.

I will send you a message in game with some specific details and contact information.
We can connect, or you can connect with one of our recruiters or leadership team and we can onboard you into our Corp.!

I have linked our corps. recruitment post here on the forums, as well:

I look forward to flying with you!