I am a pilot who has had enough of sov warfare cancer, but likes small to mid-size tidi-less and superless brawls. I’d like to try WHs and roll into content with abunch of expwrienced PvPers. What I can offer is subcaps main character, a few fax, super/carrier and dread alts+bubbler, hunter and prober alts. Trying to be not great, not terrible and fly my own ships.
I have some experience with WH probing in the big alliances I was part of. Where you live does not matter to me, as long as you roll into fight everywhere but highsec and have no wardecs.
What I am looking for small gang, but active PvP entity in EUTZ. With few blues and cannot be amo gat the big powerblicks of WH space - HK and Hawks. 18-22ET is where I will have my Eve time at + a few semi afk hours during the day where I can probe for content or something. ISK making options are nice to have, but not a must for me. For now I got some cashed iskies and goodies and han be self sufficient for a few months of rapid feeding.