14.9m - subcap PVP focused toon. No wasted SP


Char name: SpacePeasant
Skillpoints: 14.9m
Corp: NPC
Wallet: positive
Sec status: 0.2
Kill rights: None
Located: Jita

Start bid: I don’t know going prices so just offer. In a couple days the highest offer will win.

i want buy 5B ok ?

5.2 billion

5.5 billion

6.0 billion




7 bil

It appears you have revoked ESI access to the skillboard. Has this character been transferred?

Nope, Hasn’t been sold. I haven’t touched the skillboard. I’ll see what’s going on and update it.


I can offer 8b

8b accepted.

Isk and account name sent,

Sorry mate, Sent you 8b back. Something came up and not ready to sell at the moment.

Just let me know when you are ready.

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