140+ Million Skill Point PVP Player Looking For Lowsec Group

been afk for a while and i am looking for a lowsec group, pvp centric is best, have many alts

check us out

Imperium Technologies - PvP | Null Sec | New & Old
[ PvP focused with 100% SRP ] - No Life like Null Life -

Discover the rich content and deep social bonds of the 0.0 experience. We offer training and access to the highest end content available in New Eden. Become part of a gaming family that stretches back to the dawn of Eve. Join a rich tradition of combat pranks, territorial wars and, in general, causing as much trouble as we can, wherever we go.

  • Come be a part of gaming history! Join an ancient nullsec Corp whose history stretches back to 2003.
  • Newbros/Returning/Olds welcome, all can apply.
  • 80% Buyback program for all your loot.
  • 0.0 Life!!! vast area of null-sec spanning the Southeast of New Eden.
  • Open boarders with all coalitions space.
  • 20 years of knowledge and experience to help elevate your game.

+|| Have microphone and comms software (Teamspeak, Mumble, Discord)||

  • ||PvP focused, We play hard, we fight hard. Must be willing and able to kill.||
  • ||Must be +18 years of age or older (family/friends exempt as long as they are mature).||

Please contact me for more info
In-game name: Bloodytears Damon
Discord: Archmage1006
IT Discord: Imperium Technologies


If you are not going to be pleased about the low sec group/content that you are aiming for, maibe you would take into consideration our group.Leaving asside the fact that we are not actually living in low sec, a part of our content takes place up there sometimes.Our current campaign in nullsec gives dailly content and things are looking better and better for our group in that regard.Plenty of things that keep us busy up here!

Greetings Knala. We are looking for lowsec pirates to join our corp. We do roams, blops, filaments, ganks, etc…

If you have any questions feel free to drop by in our discord at Bad Intention

We are a group of mostly veteran players with a few newbros we are teaching.

this is my homies corp, high quality pilots: https://forums.eveonline.com/t/ustz-zuck-meta-reloaded-overheating-infinitely