193 mill ex Nul Sec looking for a Minmatar FW


Been around since 05. Played off and on till 2018 where I came back and first joined Lawn(Goon) and found that Big Blocks really make the game enjoyable as there is Always pilots wanting to do something at Any time of the day or night.
Around 2022 I joined Mass(Horde) until bout a day ago. During both times in Lawn and Mass I participated as FC for combat and mining fleets. IMHO CCP continues to screw with Nul Sec and I just got burned out with all the constant changes alliances have to do in order to have some semblance of space. I came back to my old stomping grounds and want to see if Faction Warfare will fan the flames what I had for Eve at one time.

TLDR: (Please see title)

To be honest, I know Nothing about FW. In fact read up on it via Eve U wiki. But if you are a Minmatar factional warefare corp that is ACTIVE around downtime and after, lets setup a Voice interview on Discord and see where that goes.

hi there m8

if you can consider being part of Triumvirate and do nullsec/lowsec and pochven pvp then make sure to check us out below

otherwise best of luck finding a new home


1 reply after 3 days.

Is FW still a thing?
Are their Corps dedicated to FW?
Are their corps dedicated to Minmatar FW?

you can join fw as pilot, as corp and as alliance.

so if you are looking for fw and just pew pew go for it.

I guess within you can find other corps involved in that:)

watched your video and tried connecting to your public channel. It never connected?

Still looking.

(edit: should state that i am usually around 2-3 hours right after downtime, 1200 and on)


join our discord below by clicking on the link and we can take it from there

REJECT BLOB, WORSHIP BOB :skull_and_crossbones: ALLTZ :skull_and_crossbones: RAGE ROLL :skull_and_crossbones: WH/LS PIRATES :skull_and_crossbones: BOBVULT!!!