2-3 pilots looking for

Title says it all - we’re in the process of looking for alternatives.


  • 2-3 active guys breathing and able to make some kind of noise getting together
  • Great sense of humour, adults - not interested in adopting a second non-paying job.
  • Old vets who have been in Eve for a long time.
  • Not just F1 monkey’s. We have wifes and girlfriends to who we have to listen enough.


  • Low-sec based
  • roams / camps in low or null-sec
  • No drama

If you’re a match throw a post down here or contact me on this toon - looking forward to chatting with you!

hey whats up, we aren’t low-sec based but we are based in null, if you are interested in joining please tell me and i can bring you over to our discord. if you are interested please just tell me how long have you been playing for and how much SP you have. just tells me where in the alliance to send you (if ur new then our academy and if ur old enough our main corps)

aeons_eclipse is my discord, our alliance is apocalypse Now

NPC 00 Established group, and meet rest of your requests

You sound like a fit for us at The Order of Omerta. We’re a small tight knit group that loves to pvp and fw and doesn’t take eve seriously. We operate in lowsec and some nullsec content as well. Very laid back older group of gamers so very little drama. US/EU tz.

Come by and see if we’re a fit for you guys.

Ethereal Morality Proud Member of the Initiative

✪ Chill Real Life Comes First Group of mature people


✪ PvP :skull_and_crossbones: oriented corp with PVE opportunities.

✪ Plenty of ISK making opportunities to fund PVP.

✪ Extensive Alliance infrastructure in place in space, With Alliance JF Services

✪ Experienced Corp Leadership and FC’s

✪ Friendly Members who are always willing to help

  • What We Require-
    ✪ At least one useful Alt (Cap Or Tackle)

✪ Minimum Age of 18 years old

✪ Omega Account

✪ 35,000,000 SP minimum Must be self-sufficient in: Rating in 0.0, Mining, Exploring, etc… 5 FATs per month requirement

✪ Full ESI on All Characters

✪ No Drama

✪ Willingness to train into Alliance Doctrine Ships and Be part of the Team. We often enjoy playing other games together when not logged into EVE.

If you want to know more Join us on Discord

if you want a bit of pew pew come join my corp we are base in npc null. so plenty to shoot

we have all you need just look add the link :smiley:

We might fit the bill

Hi Caleb-

If you want to avoid being an F1 grunt and enjoy the teamwork and camraderie of small gang pvp, you might consider Sheriff. We’re lowsec PVP :slight_smile:

Discord; Sheriff.

Hey mate,

we are a small size corp located in the Low Sec. Real life before games, is the motto of both our corp and our alliance. From what it looks like we might be a good fit for you. I will contact you in-game to have a chat so we can further understand each other. :slight_smile:

“Life, uh… Finds a way.” -Ian Malcom circa 1990

Picture the scene: You come home after sprinting 500 miles and performing other extraordinary feats of strength and grit. Log on, see “nano gang up on Hoff”, determined to feed, you hop on. The next day: fw roams, small gang, bit of blops and then fried Caldari for dinner.

If for whatever reason that made you go “damn sounds like me” then you’d be a massive legend if you applied.

BUT THATS NOT ALL, JPARK is a part of Sedition and there is even more stuff to do there. (Top 15 recent in zkill btw) Faction warfare, kicking ass, capitals, going toe-to-toe with the other hounds of Lowsec and loads more is all available to do.

Now doesn’t that sound convincing?

The Killboard: Life Finds A Way | Corporation | zKillboard

What I need from you:

  • 25m SP+
  • Logi IV (5 preferred)
  • Working mic
  • A mild pulse
  • TS3 and Discord
  • Pet frog

If you are interested, give me a shout on discord here: Life, uh, finds a way. Or Join our inGame channel JPARK Pub
Or you can give us a Shout at “Hoff69” “samchadelanne” on discord, or Hoff Wenchester, sam chadelanne in-game.

hay buddy and on the lookout for new members to join my corp if your looking for pvp we have plenty of that, we live out in npc null in sin

TSSOC has been around along time, Lots of great members, Living in Vale right next door to LS, and HS ! Lots of content to be had!

come give us a look

I don’t have too much of a spiel. My corp is a small ustz primary (some eutz content) PvP corp. We do a lot of small gang, blops, and gatecamping. We also have sporadic fleet and cap content but that is dependent on lots of factors and I can’t promise it to be ultra consistent. We generally enjoy PvP wherever it is found but our primary staging is in Curse. Nothing is mandatory on an individual level but if you join us we have an expectation that you will fly with us.

If you’d be interested in talking more feel free to join our discord and message me or Charles de Hobo

We are Nullsec Based, plenty of content and we have a real life takes top spot train of thought!

Imperium Technologies - PvP | Null Sec | New & Old
[ PvP focused with 100% SRP ] - No Life like Null Life - US/EUTZ

Discover the rich content and deep social bonds of the 0.0 experience. We offer training and access to the highest end content available in New Eden. Become part of a gaming family that stretches back to the dawn of Eve. Join a rich tradition of combat pranks, territorial wars and, in general, causing as much trouble as we can, wherever we go.

  • Come be a part of gaming history! Join an ancient nullsec Corp whose history stretches back to 2003.
  • Newbros/Returning/Olds welcome, all can apply.
  • 80% Buyback program for all your loot.
  • 0.0 Life!!! vast area of null-sec spanning the Southeast of New Eden.
  • Open boarders with all coalitions space.
  • 20 years of knowledge and experience to help elevate your game.

Have microphone and comms software ( Teamspeak, Mumble, Discord )

  • ||PvP focused, We play hard, we fight hard. Must be willing and able to kill.||
  • ||Must be +18 years of age or older (family/friends exempt as long as they are mature).||

Please contact me for more info
In-game name: Bloodytears Damon
Discord: Archmage1006
IT Discord: Imperium Technologies

we’re based in null next to low and we have corps in our alliance based in low next to our null.
Check us out.
NPSI Friendly

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