No Corp Histry
Can Get Name Change
875,473 Total Skill points No Unlocated points
Looking For Offers
No Corp Histry
Can Get Name Change
875,473 Total Skill points No Unlocated points
Looking For Offers
reserved **
I will trade you this toon here how is that for an offer? ^.^
I offer 2.5B for your toon.
3 bil
Are you able to convo me ingame to talk about an offer?
4 bil
4,5 bil
No Don’t need another pilot
6 bil
Lost interest.
How to change the name?
This character would be allowed a namechange by submitting a ticket. However, as far as my own personal experience goes: this has to be done by the current owner, and ccp doesnt really like the mechanic.
I for one, would keep the name as is, as it is far more interesting.
Yeah, I agree 7 bil
When does this Auction end?
I dont understand how you are outbidding yourself. Bumping (the price) on alts is not allowed as far as I know.
This is my main. I just sold my main and used all those sp to make this toon. My bid was 7 bil do you have a problem with that? Should I go down?
bid retracted back to 6 bil ^.^
My 4,5 bil offer still valid
My bid of 6 billion Isk is valid.