16:15 UTC
We’re currently investigating login issues, more information as soon as it becomes available.
16:30 UTC
Investigation into the issues with the login system is still ongoing. More details as soon as they become available!
16:45 UTC
No further updates at this time, investigation into the login issue is still ongoing.
17:00 UTC
We’re still currently investigating the cause of the login issues that are causing connectivity problems with TQ. Apologies for the interruption to game play this is causing.
17:05 UTC
Tranquility will be taken down for an unscheduled reboot at 17:25 UTC as part of faultfinding the current login issues.
Please make sure your characters are out of harm’s way if possible.
17:25 UTC
Tranquility will be restarting in VIP mode while we make several checks over the cluster and its associated services.
17:35 UTC
Tranquility is back online and accepting connections. We’re currently monitoring the condition of the cluster.
17:40 UTC
Tranquility is now back online, stable, and accepting connections.