2019/05/12 - Login Issues

Issue with the Login Server… for those not well versed in IT infrastructure. Generally large MMOs offload login requests and processing to a different server from the game servers to distribute load and better handle peak load situations like after a game server restart and the following flood of users.

and now what more free skill points to every body?

Мы люди не гордые , рассмотрим компенсацию на 250000 СП для альфы и 500000 для омеги

Annual paiement for this server ?

Hopefully CCP will address the issue this creates with the giveaway at the bare minimum

Mostly Harmless!!!

Ah gotcha. Well as I tried logging in for first time all weekend is exactly when the issue started lol. I think it was me who broke it :stuck_out_tongue:

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Same problem here. Got my daily reward for 2 of my 3 accounts anyway.

нихрена мы не получаем к 16 годовщине


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It happened exactly at the same time that I bought $20 worth of PLEX.


I think not.

They just missed the server payment.


Ну блин че за хрень, бой идет…

Компенсацию в студию а иначе тысячи игроков заблокируют кредитки )))

me either, just bouthg a plex and server died :frowning:

омега вообще перебьется, а альфе 1 000 000 сп

at least you’re doing something about it, cheers guys

Many players suffered heavy losses.:rofl:

I blame The Donald.


handshake failed its on their end