2019/07/03 - Unscheduled Downtime Extension!

There’s ointment for that :slight_smile:

cheetos and bean dip

If you read this, you are a dumbo.

Is Eve dying? :smiley:

oh noooooooo

Good time to update world of warships

Wurdes ore gud

На какое примерное время вы ращитываете отключить, и примерное время включения сервера?

goons r ded

Whats actually the problem you fixing? Since y’day patch. i saw 0 problems… so. can you give me info pls.

The NPC AI is evolving and the conflict escalation is causing nodes to crash.

You did check the batteries , right ?

Let’s go work guys!!! Because We really need to play…while you are working…you know… :wink:

Ointment no good. Has fly

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Seriously, try playing ESO then you’d have something to moan about with maint-schedules etc. 15 mins per day for smooth running and no hassles - a total bargain imo.

Have you turned it off then on again ??


Finally did the discobot tutorial

ccp did create the ai bvut the ai is programed after us so …

It’s is becoming self aware ! And it is not happy !

CCP winning the war on bots is like America saying their winning the war on drugs and premarital sex…

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