Thanks for the offers but-
Still looking for more. If the bid is not closer to buyout, I can extract myself, so not looking for extraction offers.
I will wait for some more time before closing the thread if the sale fails to meet my expectations.
for a " Caldary Navy mission runner" … not maxed corp stading(above 1.7% broker jita sell tax) and bad faction standing
for “Significant gunnery/missile skills” 19% gunnery skills over all races spread and not even one large skills maxed is not what I would expect as significant and a 212mil sp char
PvE/PvP specialized" Not true. the char does have alot of industry and other (wasted in regards to specialized) skills
All battleships, battlecruisers, cruisers maxed out" Not true.
Rest i did not bother to check. My Description would be “All around Char” which is not bad but more acurate.
Might use for skill farm or some specialized small ship pilot as he still has 2.2 m sp unallocated left.
Not interested in wasting 20 dollars for 3.5 B though