24,8mil SP Good Skilled Kronos Pilot

  1. Character is based in Jita Trade Hub.
  2. PVE Corp.
  3. 0 Wallet
  4. 5.0 sec status.
    SkillQ.net - Amarena Crew

Max Skilled Marauder pilot: Kronos+ Little bit pala
No stupidly spent SP.
Please leave offers in the comments. The highest one will be accepted until February 8, 2024

1 Like

I’d like to know how many days of skill training this character needs to fire the T2 cannon moros

16b offer

Large Blaster Specialization V?
Huge waste.:cold_sweat:

20b offer now

21 - feel free to DM me ISk is ready and slot is open.

22b offer now

23b offer

24B offer


25 billions isk

26b offer

UP! I wait for the last 6 hours for offers, then I close the auctions and sell to the highest bid



Offer accepted. Send me ISK and account name I should transfer the Pilot

details & isk sent


Transfer started THX!