3/17/22 - Singularity Updated - Rorqual Conduit Jump

I’m no titan pilot so I cannot see if that is true.

However, the EVE uni wiki page contradicts what you say.

Under the topic ‘Briding’:

Fuel usage=Mass×Portal Consumption Mass Factor×Base cost×Skill mod×Distance in LY

Allowing an Obelisk to take a 6LY bridge would take 8460 isotopes, if my calculations are correct, in addition to the stront it takes to open the bridge.

Right there on the bridge module: Consumption Type: Strontium Clathrates. That’s it.

In other words, as far as the EVE uni formula goes, Titan bridges have a Portal Consumption Mass Factor of 0.

Also, that’s the page on Jump Drives. nm, found the bit on bridging… where it gives a value so low as to never generate a ‘1’ in fuel cost for that mass factor.

Not 0, they have a portal consumption mass factor of 0.000000001

When ships have masses like 940000000kg (Obelisk) the significance of that 1 behind 8 zeros cannot be ignored.

Are you trying to contradict me for the sake of contradiction? Have you noticed the part of the jump drive page that talks about jump bridges?

It can when the game works in integer units of fuel, so it never generates a ‘1’ on fuel cost. Calculates for each individual ship.

Seriously, dude, it rounds down. I get that you’re not a titan pilot. I am. It doesn’t use fuel.

That mass number you cited yields 0.94 fuel. So it doesn’t consume 1.

Example calculations:

One Erebus is about to bridge 4 Obelisks across 6 ly.
Erebus pilot has Jump Portal Generation level 4, jump fuel conservation level 5.

Opening the bridge takes 500*(1-0.1level4) = 300 Strontium
Bridging one Obelisk takes: 0.000000001 * 940000000kg * 6 LY * (1 - 0.1
level5) * 3000 isotopes = 8460 isotopes

Bridging four Obelisks across therefore takes 33.8k isotopes and 300 Strontium.

At Jita prices this means opening the bridge is about 600k ISK.
Fuel to bridge the ships across is 17 million ISK.

As I said, the stront cost to bridge bigger ships becomes negligible, as the fuel cost is much bigger for those.

Stront cost to open a bridge is mainly intended as a cost to bridge small amounts of small ships. Something that the Rorqual will do a lot.

No. Bridging on Obelisk takes 0.000000001 * 940000000kg = 0.94 units, rounds down to 0 * 6 LY = 0 cuz 0 * [anything] = 0 * 3000 = still 0.

It doesn’t use fuel. It just uses stront.

Okay, whatever you say.

CCP will have the real stats anyway.

Alternative suggestion:

Instead of Stront, make the Industrial Jump Bridge use heavy water for activation, so the Rorqual doesn’t have to carry even more different types of fuel as it already is carrying isotopes and heavy water.

The Jump Portal Generation skill can then reduce heavy water use for the industrial bridge, rather than Stront use.

Or just don’t complicate things.

It’s a Jump Portal Generator that can sync up with a specialized cyno, and only shoots subcaps around.

Yes, BlOps have limited fuel/cargo space. They also just bring along a Blockade Runner or two full of fuel, which solves that problem handily and provides plenty of fuel storage.

Added complexity without added options doesn’t improve anyone’s gameplay experience, and trying to standardize a new thing to the one of two existing things that it doesn’t behave like is counterproductive. It behaves like the BlOps Bridge, not the Titan Bridge.

Nice picture, but it says nothing.

Here’s a similar screenshot of the Covert Jump Portal Generator.

Notice how there is no fuel cost at all on the module? That’s because the mass-modified jump cost isn’t shown in these modules.

I’m 100% sure that my black ops bridge takes fuel from my bay though, and so does the titan.

You’re rounding halfway a calculation… :roll_eyes:

The equivalent mass number for a MAnticore taking a black ops bridge is 0.198 in the example shown on the EVE uni wiki, yet I am 100% sure this ship does take my fuel when you continue multiplying it with the range and isotope base cost.

I’m not complicating things, I’m asking for consistency when new modules are added.

That’s the opposite of complication. It’s simplifying things.

Except you’re not. The IJPG functions the same way as the CJPG. It does not function like the standard JPG, which can only link up to a standard cyno, has a much more limited range, but can bridge XL hulls around if they don’t have their own jump drives to mung things up. And the normal JPG can’t generate a conduit at this time. (I mean, it might eventually, who knows.)

Yes, and my point is that the IJPG has more similarities in role with the JPG, rather than the unique sub-capital CJPG (CJPG has a non-capital ship size, small cargo size, longer trips in hostile territory). And therefore should have a stront cost like the JPG.

Did you read my previous posts in this topic before you decided to argue with me? Because I don’t feel like repeating it all again.

Yes, I did. Which is why I believe your position is fundamentally flawed. It does not have more similarities in role, specifically because it has the longer range, greater flexibility of target cyno, and more limited ship selection of the CJPG.

So does the IJPG. The only capital moving is the Rorqual, using its own jump drive. It is not being bridged. And again, ‘small cargo size’ is kind of silly when the BlOps is bringing fuel trucks along—a thing the Rorqual can’t do, because the IJPG’s ship selection is even more limited than the CJPG’s: no haulers, and can’t conduit ships the same size as the ship doing the jumping.

But all of your points are irrelevant when we’re talking about the Stront cost of the JPG. Range, flexibility of cyno, limited ship selection, none of those are the reason Stront isn’t used for the CJPG.

What is the point of Stront as cost of JPG?

  • bridging big and/or many ships has a fuel cost based on ship mass, but but for small ships this is negligible
  • stront is an added flat baseline cost so there is some cost to bridge small ships around

What is the reason Stront is not used for CJPG?

  1. stront is big. Huge
  2. Black ops battleships are subcapital ships with small subcapital cargo hold, which is hardly enough to carry enough fuel, let alone Stront.
  3. Black ops battleships are often briding many times during one playthrough, without possibility to dock as they’re in hostile territory
  • Point 1-3 combined means a CJPG with stront cost would make Blops gameplay impossible

Hence, no stront cost for CJPG. As a very special case.

The IJPG has none of these issues. The Rorqual is near safe territory to get more stront, is a capital ship with capital sized cargo hold, plenty for stront, just like the Titan.

If there is a reason for JPG to have a Stront cost, this same reason exists for the IJPG.

So you push on the ‘but it’s used the same way!’ until I demonstrate it’s not, and then quickly switch to ‘But teh stront!!’? C’mon.

No, they wouldn’t. Here’s the easy way to know this: BlOps bridgers in wartime have brought stront along for excursions that last for 3+ hours. They brought that stront along, often enough, in a totally separate truck, because the stront was needed for entosising, and even if the entosis ships can’t cloak while it’s running, they can start the hack, then hand-off to someone else, or troll defenders to pull a response out of position.

No, it is not ‘a very special case’. There is no after-school special for the CJPG. The IJPG functions exactly like the CJPG. It is nonsensical to say ‘hey, listen, this jet engine should use the same fuel as that piston-powered air-cooled thing in the biplane, instead of the high-test kerosene-based avgas that other jet engine uses’.

To open a single bridge I would need 450 stront at my level. At 3m3 a piece, that’s 1350m3.

My Sin has 800m3 cargo space, most of it filled with cap boosters and spare fuel. Are you telling me I should be forced to bring a cargo truck BR and put cargo expanders on my black ops battleship just to be able to bridge once?

First Titan bridge fuel, now this. I get the feeling you have very little idea of what you’re talking about. At least you seem to have issues with numbers.

To open a single bridge if the CJPG used the exact same amount of stront, you mean. It could easily have been given a base stront cost of 1/10th as much. Or even 5. That’s easy enough to explain since it’s a smaller system, creating a smaller bridge, moving smaller masses, and it’s clearly a more advanced development from the original technology.

There is no reason CCP needed to be married to the same amount of Stront per bridge, even if they chose to retain some stront use.

135m3 additional space for every bridge during a fleet would still require black ops battleships to have a significantly bigger cargo bay than they do now. And with such a big cargo bay, black ops battleships will start to become pretty good cloaky jump freighters for high value goods.

But hey, I agree that there could be a lower baseline stront cost for CJPG. But it would mostly introduce unnecessary hassle for a gameplay style where the black ops ships are already very limited in cargo space.

No, just a slightly larger fuel bay. After all, once again: fuel truck. A single bomber gang with a few T3Cs for boosts and a couple of ammo trucks can leave a BlOps needing to refuel after every 2nd jump pretty easily.

Also, if they’d gone with (for example) 5 Stront per covert bridge, that’s all of 15 whole m3 per bridge. Not exactly breaking the bank there.

Standard Cyno: 500 LO. Covert Cyno: 50. Covert Cyno w/max skills: 5 LO.

No reason the CJPG couldn’t have been set up exactly the same off the 500 Stront base cost for the JPG.

Anyone else having issue with the Probe Scanner window since that Singularity patch? It will hardly come on screen, and rather stay in the neocom, wheter I use the Alt+P shortcut or the button from the hud. And when I finally have it show up by double clicking in the neocom, there is no title, missing a few other elements on that window, and nor cosmic signatures nor combat anomalies will show up.