3 pilots looking for a new Home in Wormhole or Null (130m 106m and 68m sp EUTZ dutch Pilots)

Good day!

You honestly sound like a perfect fit for our new and growing corporation. We avoid tidi fights ourselves, they are not mandatory in anyway but if you ever fancy them the option is there. Beyond checking in on discord how you are doing, we do not have any activity requirements either. We just want to make sure you are not dead or bored! In extend to that IRL and other commitments come first.

As for what we can offer, we are a PVP and industry focused corporation that tries to become as self sustaining as possible. This means we prefer to do our own home defense, our own QRF and we do our own roams. We are part of a bigger block as an extension to the content to offer to players. At the moment we do weekly roams which we want to increase to more. We tend to do covops/ blops and specops fleets. Beyond that I think it is best we just have a chat!

If you are interested please all three of you join our discord: Hyper Meme Industries

If you’d like a bit more information, please visit our forum post: [EU/US] [NS] Hyper Meme Industries: Do stupid stuff responsibly! PVP and Indy focussed corp

I truly hope you give us a chance and I thank you for your time in advance. Beyond that good look with your search.

Also yay for more dutch folks playing this game ~

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