33M Ragnarok char

Sold/ closed

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I’ll start at 35b

36b bump

Thanks for the bid , looking for a bit more for a buyout though

ill do 37. still need to spend 6-7b on implants :slight_smile:

Buyout added

Bump it up a bit

I still offer 37b

Lowered buyout to 38.5b

Last bump , c/o 37b , b/o 38.5b

I’ll offer the buyout of 38.5b

Evemail me to close the deal.

Thank you,

Re-offering 38.5b buy out.

I do apologize for the hassle.

Ok deal if it’s legit this time

Send account name and isk and I’ll set up the Plex transfer soon

ISK and account name sent

Recieved… setting up Plex transfer reasonably soon

Transfer in progress
Thread closed

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