44M sp pilot for sale


44,1m sp
Located in jita
Positive wallet balance
No kill rights
4 improved implants
Born 2007

Buyout 44b

34B offer

35 bil

37 bil if only you transfer with card


Buyout set to 40b
Transfer will be by card

U got this in 12h if no more bids.

38.5 bil


Sold, im aviable for transfer now :slight_smile:

offer accepted

Isk sent and I’ve sent you a mail, thanks

isk recived, starting tranfer in 2min

How long does the transfer process take?

i dont know why, but i can’t select my character for transfer when im in character transfer.
I guess we have to wait for another day… i send back the isk…

sorry,Is it because my mailbox has not been verified yet? I have verified it now. Please try again.

ive given your isk back

Isk sent and I’ve sent you a mail, thanks,please try again.

The problem is not at your end, im dont see aoisana when i try to transfer. i send back isk and close this thread… i will make new when i see i can transfer aoisana…