- 27.4 mil sp
- Security status 4
- no kill rights
- positive wallet - will transfer with 2mil isk
- located in HS - Home is Horir
- 1 bonus remap available
All CCP rules apply
will be transferring with CC
Asking for 20 bil
All CCP rules apply
will be transferring with CC
Asking for 20 bil
edited for better reading
18 bil
I will accept 18 bil.
Please send isk and account info and I will start the transfer.
I will send in c. 5 hours when I am back home
ok, sounds good
I will transfer as soon as soon as it is received
Can you just first post with the character that the skillboard is linked for?
Sure, This is the character that is for sale
Thanks. ISK and acc info sent
Will send a correction with account info in a minute
I’ve received the confirmation e-mail. Thanks!
Thank You
Enjoy, and Fly Safe
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