Im a returning player, this character is a 5mil sp All Industry, mainly a miner, with exhumers 5.
looking to join a corp that has an active mining division or alliance.
would like to learn how to mine decently in 0.0 where the big money is.
had one corp interested but their corp was a 2 man corp, looking for more people.
I’ve played eve off and on, and lastly gave away all my stuff never to return again… yet here i am. lol.
Wild.Hunt Alliance is kicking open its doors to corporations and individuals!
What/Who/Where Are We?
We are community first and a PVP alliance second.
We hold SOV NULL in the beautiful region of Fountain.
We actively aim to maintain incomes and content for our members,
and leadership works to maintain transparency, minimizing under the table rub and tug.
What Do We Offer?
Upgraded SOV NULL
Low Taxes
Hands On Leadership
Regular Small Gang Roams and Large Scale Fleets
A Short Blue List
Funloving Community
What Do We Ask?
Utilize The Space We Fight For!
Fight For The Space We Utilize!
Follow Corporation and Alliance CoD!
Contribute To The Community
Train Into and Fly Our Doctrines
Newer bros ( & alphas ) are welcome, we will train you and teach you how to enjoy EVE. Understand that upon joining, you will enter a probationary membership period, corporation CEOs will lift this at their own discretion. Understand also that we are primarily an omega community, we aim for all members to become omega.
I can offer you an ideal mining spot offering not just nullsec grade ore, but also nullsec grade ice along with an in system manufacturing and trade hub so you can sell your hard earned minerals. It’s a quiet spot that’s a few jumps from a lot of activity.
We’re a small corp as well, though not as small as your previous one. Stable, experienced, US TZ focused, looking to grow.
If you’re interested join “Capitalist Chat” in game and EVE Mail me what times you’d be available to hang out and talk.
Sonic Intoxication is a group oriented Null Sec corporation looking for players who are interested in Team based game play and progression.
Sonic Intoxication Offers >
Small - Medium Gang WarfareVoice Communication ToolsShip Replacement ProgramOre / PI Corp BuybackYears Of ExperienceGood Ratting/Mining/PI
Sonic Intoxication is Looking For >>
Team Players
Pilots looking to learn
Pilots who can Have fun
About Sonic Intoxication
Sonic Intoxication consists of Pilots who have been playing from 14 years to 4 months! An old corp that is recently reforming and establishing our presence in an Alliance that is establishing its presence. Teaching others Eve is all part of the game, and our pilots are not adverse to it.
Our pilots don’t take the game too seriously, but at the same time are looking to improve ourselves and our space!
If you’re looking to be a part of something and grow with us, rather than be just another number evemail or convo Zarosh Dugan