6,3 MIO SP Trading

Mate not for me to argue with anyone, but your espectations too high.

I got that toon with 6.5 mil SP, that means 3 skill Injectors out straight away, with Cyber 5 already trained with only 5.5 bil, the fact that you trained a bunch of trade skills without having the standings for the trade side as well means this is just another farm toon with “X” SP in it and nothing more, this is no trade toon as it has no standings. To work standings you need weeks and weeks of girding, which means that in those weeks you might as well train a toon from the start up and not pay isk to anyone to get one already trained but with no bonus to trading due to the lack of standings.

Not to mention you have no Social skills trained, meaning no way to actually get standings optimised even if you wanna .

It is not my intention to offend you, I just wanna try to make you see why you will never ever get 8 Bil for this toon.