WTS 5.2 mil SP Pi and SP farm toon



He is in an NPC corp not sure why it hasn’t adjusted.

Has 2 +5 implants (perception, willpower) and 2 +4 implants (Wisdom, memory)
Decent PI skills
good starter toon
Amarr destroyer 5

can be a great starter toon

6 Bil B’O

ALL CCP rules apply

4b isk

5 bil and its yours

4.1 because it has no remap…

Just a note about eveskillboard and the API in general, the endpoint that returns remap info has a seperate value for Bonus vs Normal. For the normal remaps it has a last date used (I think), which means I could make an assumption of them having one available or not, but I’d rather not get that wrong and be on the line.

So its best to confirm with the seller if any Normal remaps are available despite Bonus Remaps showing 0 on eveskillboard

he has 1 remap availible no bonus

4.75 last offer

5 bil is my bottom line

he has 2 +5 perception and willpower, and 2 +4 implants

and i will xfer right now, via plex transfer

Let me know if want 4,75
Else goodluck

So I totally lied, the yearly remap data is returned via ESI now that I look closer, and is now displayed on the skillboard above the Bonus Remaps. Just pushed the changed, so in the next ~3 hours when all characters get updated, the ones that still have valid tokens will correctly show it!

daily bump still for sale

4.8b isk and transfer ready now

4,85 b/o

4.9 isk ready

4,95 b

so neither of you have still reached my min b/o of 5 bil,

5b b/o isk ready now

5.1 b/o there :stuck_out_tongue:

lol Banker how far u wanna go here? 5.15 b/o