( the net worth information is often false, and we need more than luck to retreive anything from the null sec .
Perhaps a quick list of the asset speak louder than the net worth )
that is true, I moved all the stuff out of null and into a low and I honestly don’t know how net worth is calculated, honestly do 90 bill and hes yours I gotta get going soon and I want to close this ASAP, how do I link a list of assets?
My solution would be a little bit complicated because I don’t know really how to do that quickly
by using JEveAssets …
or more practically your main assets should’nt take more than 6 lines ( or evepraisal ) …
the normal way , there is a thread about this .
On my side , need to give you the isk and my infos
on yours connect to the eve web site , transfer , put my infos on it and voila
( you have to pay for the transfer in cash or in plex )
only my infos and yours relative to the account are private
everything else has to be clear .
But you did the job by showing correctly your toon, perhaps the details of the asset is light.
the rest we’ll do it with evemail