8mil SP(878k unallocated) for sale

I’m for sale. https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/Battery_Commander

Positive wallet
Positive sec status
no kill rights
I will pay transfer.
Need the slot for another toon, so if no sale today it will get extracted and sold here for low low price

Start 7bil
BO make reasonable one

If it doesn’t sell and you do extract I will buy it IF you keep the armor and precursor skills :smiley:

How much?

looks like 5mil pilots are going round 2-3 bil, so round there somewhere.

4.5 Billion offer, ISK is ready for transfer

Not enough, If I extract and sell 5 mil extracted toon I will make more than 4.5 bil. I will extract and sell to ghost as per agreed ingame price and leave the skills he has asked for. Thanks for the offer though.

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