Thinking of selling reprocess/ allmost rorq pilot PW: 1234

As title reads I’m thinking about selling this toon but want to see market value first.


so a better idea is skill extract the the 30mill sp for

Check your maths. 16bill

If you can get the extractors for free then by all means your best getting 48 bill but as extractors are not free you wont see that sort of an offer here

But I’ll offer 17b

I’ll check in the morn if your interested… till then sleep :slight_smile:

17.5 bill

18.25 B


I’ll go 19

I can offer 22b

sigh… I guess I’ll go 23b

Yay! 24b

Stop it! :stuck_out_tongue:


How about 25b?

I’ll go 25.5


26.5 bill

Let’s go with 27b

I can go 27.5

sry it took time re check this thread. im not selling this not at this time.