90 MIL SP Returning Pilot Looking for FW corp

I am back from a 5 year coffee break and would like to make sure I take advantage of the last 2 things I’ve never done in eve. 1) FW and 2) C5-6 WH space.

I have no real preference on which FW side I join so anyone able / willing to take on a RL restricted player with very limited comms ability for the next several weeks please hit me up with your opportunities. I am US TZ 8:00p-12a Pacific most all nights.

Basic details You should know

I am able to fly virtually everything sub-supers in some capacity or within a skill book injection. I cannot however use artties. So, Minmatar fits that are not Unique to say the least I cannot accommodate. I would prefer a PVP intensive corp hell bent on FW that has the ability to work with “not very good pvp’rs”. I’ve done it all in way of PVP and have the KB to prove how many lessons and little practice I’ve had.

Comms are practically listen only for another month or 2 til work schedules get back to a routine. The young one has a “difficult” sleeping schedule.

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A shout for a fellow Federation Uprising corporation, XMETA sounds like exactly what you’re looking for. Faction warfare roots, still active in the warzone though with a focus on null-sec presently. Top quality US pilots, thoroughly nice bunch of people. Check 'em out.


Will give another recommendation for XMETA as well :slight_smile: Feel free to join our alliance’s Discord server here if you want to talk about joining http://bit.ly/FEDUPDiscord


I’ll hang in Discord for a bit til I feel out the potential opportunities. Thanks for the invite.

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No problem! Let us know if you have any questions :slight_smile:

Still Prospecting

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I specialize in helping ‘not very good pvp’ers’ learn manual piloting and things of that kind. While I don’t consider myself hellbent on anything, I COULD round you off so that you might feel more comfortable in a higher grade pvp alliance like Pen is Out and Magna Digitus. That is assuming you are interested in joining The Federation. Another positive would be that i am Pacific tz as well. You let me know. Recruitment add here and I mean no disrespect to my FW bros for the competition.


Thank You Oreb Wing for that. I have no preference on faction. That being Said I will keep you mind. You are so far just about exactly what I need.


Don’t feel any anxiety about joining with me. There are no guilt trips for those to leave or to stay, after deciding they’re ready for something else.

I offer a lot in the short term and that’s what i advertise.

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Hello Lilrchronos,

We may be a good fit from what you said so feel free to check us out

[THG.] The Republic 's thugs

Feel free to hop on discord for a chat :slight_smile:

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