A new way to teach players

There is a rather simple way they could bring back the test server, and not have it used as a means of exploiting or gathering intel. Just make it to where there are only 4 systems. One high, one low, one null, and one wormhole. None of them corresponding to any known system on the live server. Nothing is mirrored from the live server, and all skills, ships, and equipment are free. That way you could practice and do whatever you want, with absolutely no impact on the live server whatsoever. There would be no way of gathering intel on opposing alliances, no scouting systems or moons, or anything of the sort. You just get 4 systems that do not exist on the live server to play around in.

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^ No one would bother, because the reality is that those seeking return of the test server are only looking to give themselves an edge.

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The final straw had nothing to do with intel, but with people basically living there being being toxic @ssholes. They never left the main test system, so having just 4 systems wouldnā€™t matter.

Maybe the toxicity was the final straw, but players were definitely exploiting the test server for intel to gain an advantage on Tranquility.

And while theory-crafting is all fine and good, it was also being abused to the extreme. Iā€™m not really surprised CCP cutoff access to the test server - just surprised it took as long as it didā€¦


Well true, especially when there were rule breaks but no consequences for them

This is a really good idea. One Test Server, 10 systems, each with abyssal, or any ship, and a recreation of all PvP and PvE on it, and no intel.

I am all for this.

With what as purpose?

To allow players to test the limits of their PvE fits with zero risk?

Why should players be able to ā€˜solve PvEā€™ without risk and in an area disconnected from the main game? I can see how it is good for the individual player, but how would that be good for the health of the game? This game is an MMO that thrives on interaction between players, mistakes and opportunities.

A test server to avoid mistakes and to avoid interaction goes against that design of EVE.


Risk vs. Reward.

Why should you get the benefits of running high tier abysses without the risks involved learning the process?

The game is already the perfect test bed for PvP fits. It either works, and you win, or it doesnā€™t, and you lose. If youā€™re not confident in your PvP abilities, bling isnā€™t going to cover the gap.

You can already find the perfectly efficient fits for nearly all PvE content, so the only reason for a test server would be to practice the mechanics of the specific site/mission. In many instances, this is impractical due to the RNG nature of spawn mechanics. The only place it is practical is when seeing what you need to do for high tier abyssal sites, without risking a multi-billion isk cruiser.

Tell me, how close am I? Tell us what PvE content youā€™re trying to practice, and Iā€™ll tell you why it was damn near impossible to do on the old test server, because I tried a lot before I gave up. :grin:

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