Abyssal Deadspace and a new New Eden Store (cash shop) item?

But is this gambling illegal? I dont think mutaplasmids are illegal. Why would the encouraging of legal gambling with mutaplasmids be illegal?

Its a very cunning plan by CCP if it would actually get into the shop. :smirk:

If you cant profit directly from selling gambling items, you can profit from removing its effect from the game. :sunglasses:

you have to be very carefull with that stuff
you take it as easy as years ago … especially if you want the game for kids too and EVE is 12+ not adults only

if you sell stuff for real money only its a gray zone … if you get 1 part (multiplasmiedes) free in game just running sites … then you use this “lootbax” to mutate modules by chance to something good or bad … its al lgood …
but sell the antimultiplasmides for real cash only … you get a problem for sure …
same as if you sell the multiplasmides for cash only …

gambling is in some contrys illegal … gambling with real money is for sure for kids everywhere in civilized countrys illegal … mutaplasmids are not illegle because you get em for free ingame … no lootbox for cash system … so thats not a problem as long as ccp dont sell em for real money …

CCP doesnt profit direct from multiplasmides

if this is cash only you have a problem

think on that:
there is a 13 year old kid … plays EVE … finds a multiplasmied … uses it on a 15 bill item and it all red … bad mutation … and then he uses real money from dadys credit card to get the reverse … and this happens a few times … that would not be legal
you get told that you should try tu mutate and if it is not ok just reverse it … thats not allowed and its not fun … thats a serious thing
protect the kids … thats the thing


Where is the law that prohibits selling items that remove effects of unsuccesful rolls in a game of chance?
Every RPG that sells the “reborn” gems is essentially the same. Isnt it?

Who cares if its OK or NOT OK when you can make money LEGALLY. That is what is bussiness about. :baby: + :game_die: = :moneybag: for CCP

Isnt it? :smirk:

If somebody would really want, he would make all gambling illegal, that means also mutaplasmids, treating everyone like child, protecting from gambling on every step of life. Outlaw all internet cassinos, all games where random number generators are used. Randomity and risk = bad.

But that would mean fundamentalists are taking over the world.

i dont know … sorry

no its not … nothong more … its not
corts care and parents how get you one day …
they had the problem with other games and they needed to change or stop selling the game … no money … game dead … as easy …

just get it … its not ok …
give the multiplasmied for free ingame and selling the reverse for $ would not be ok
but CCP knows that and will not bring it … thats for sure … they want to make money with EVE and dont fight stuff in cort

Random is not bad as long as you dont make it direkt for real money … and selling the reverse for real mone is dirkt … so its not ok …

and yea gambling is a problem … if you do it with a bussiness that is controlled then you know you have atleast a chance but if you are doing it in a bar somwhere in a dark room you know you have no chance to win … dont start … there are many who never got away from it … and this “protection” if it went bad you can reverse it … is not a good thing … for sure …

its not gona happening

have a nice weekend


We have to ask ourselves, do we want to live in a world that is ruled by fundamentalists that prohibit so much on every step, making us weak, not hardened by fail, or by people who make us free so we can get stronger and wiser overwhelming odds stacked against us.

Why children can learn about mutaplasmids anyway and how to gamble, what are effects of gambling, like empty pockets? That is completely OK? But it is in the game. CCP win. Childrens lose. Childrens learn. Then childrens learn even more when they empty fathers credit card and father teaches them about why its bad to steal his money and pay for some meaningless stuff. Everyone wiser. :ok_hand:

I said it was a Subscription only game. You can choose to misinterpret a clear definition if it makes your point seem to have more value, but it still means what it means.

And to be honest it’s still a subscription game if you want to use a titan because you have to come up with sub money (in game or real cash) to keep flying it. Or you can stop paying your sub (with ISK or cash) and lose the ability to sit in the titan until you come up with more money or ISK to pay your Sub.

Basically you’re just dancing now for my entertainment, for which I can only thank you.

So, I understood what you were trying to say correctly :smiley:

Calm down, we are just exchanging ideas and counter-arguments :stuck_out_tongue:

If we dont see numbers coming from CCP, we dont know how relevant is subscription today. Maybe their priorities shifted to PLEX. PLEX promotions, reduced PLEX price for omega status. SKINs added one after another, promotions for SKINs. Why this push towards microtransactions? Why they add more stuff to the store? :thinking:

One would think that you should direct workforce to the profitable bussiness branch.

There is more ready access to isk than ever before alot of players with in game means will sub main or mains with rl cash but keep alts with plex some people have dozens of accounts subed only by plex most of them are self sufficient to fund themselves so ccp sees a ton more plex subs this way even tho its just alts

If there are limitations that are lifted temporarily when you pay it’s a subscription. I think there’s a difference between “Free to Play” and “Free to Try with Limitations” even if you can play the trial forever. And you added extra context for your definition of Trial. Of course a trial PERIOD is limited time, but you added the word period to indicate that. Nobody said trial period before you, we were talking about a trial, as in “the trial version of Photo Editor watermarks all exports”. Trial is just not defined by time, but by whatever limitations the company think will encourage you to buy / subscribe to their product (Subscribe in this case). CCP used to use time as the limiting factor where as they now use in game limitations. The EvE Alpha model is still a trial because it is designed to give you just enough EvE that you might want to spend money experiencing it in full.


WTF, nitpicking about my use of the term ‘period’ to denote time?

Doesn’t matter anyway, a trial is free and is only available for a specific amount of time, it doesn’t last forever.

Bottom line - CCP has stated there are no more trial accounts in Eve Online. This game has 2 options now:

Free play allowing limited access with no time constraint.
Paid play allowing full access with timed automatic renewal.

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NO!!! Go away.

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Chill man I wasn’t nitpicking. “Trial” and “Trial Period” mean different things. One is time specific and one isn’t, which was quite relevant.

That’s simply not true. For instance the WinZip trial is the entire program forever. The only thing that changes when you buy it, is that it stops asking if you want to buy it when you use it. There are loads of kinds of trial. EvE’s trial lets you use up to a certain amount of your SP and trains your skillpoints at half speed.

CCP also stated that Omegas get x2 training speed, because it sounded more marketable than Alphas get half training speed. The actual point of Alpha access is to provide as long as possible to convince customers to eventually pay for PLEX, SKINS and Subscriptions. Free to Play just doesn’t fit, but it does convince people to come see if it’s true, which is both good because it brings new blood and bad because there are better ways to advertise than BSing people.

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Hey whatever man, you’re trying to debate semantics which can’t be proved correct or incorrect.

You have your opinion and I have mine. As for Alpha Account, CCP specifically said it’s FREE TO PLAY.

That’s it, end of discussion.


Not empty quoting.

Edit: Oh. Did not see you were here already. ^ _ ^

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I wonder who ever actually bought WinRAR …

Also, remember not to argue with people who believe that making up things is okay, because “everything is opinion”. They are not a smart bunch of people.

It’s not an opinion thing however, since words have set definitions :smile:

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Yes it is an opinion thing, furthermore since CCP in their own words set the definition for Alpha Account as FREE TO PLAY, there’s nothing more to be said.

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I already feared they would introduce something like this and talked about it in the very first thread where they announced the feature.

So no your idea is not new or even creative. It is also an extremely disgusting idea.

Sarcasm detector should also be sold, in the NES!

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