In previous years, EVE_NT has offered players the opportunity to advertise on the tournament stream. Without a doubt, the quality and creativity players deliver is a highlight of the stream, and we would like to offer the same opportunity for the forthcoming EVE_NT Alliance Open (starts November 14th).
Your advert can be for an alliance, corporation, in-game service or, well, pretty much anything related to EVE online.
There is no charge for this service but PLEX donations to the prize pool will be gratefully received (Contracts to “EVENT Alliance Open” on Tranquillity). EVE_NT reserves the right to politely decline any submission that it feels does not fit the following rules, but we welcome ideas being run past us if you’re unsure. We don’t want to waste your effort!
If you are an EVE creative and would like to help create some EDENCOM-themed RP-style recruitment adverts (to reflect the fact that EDENCOM is sponsoring the tournament) we would love to chat with you! Please reach out to Bei with your idea!
General Rules
- Adverts material must be EVE related and items/services being advertised must be EVE related.
- Adverts must reflect positively on EVE itself (we are willing to offer feedback on this!)
- Adverts cannot include copyrighted audio or visuals.
- Adverts must be suitable for all ages, respectable and suitable for broadcast- no attack ads, please.
- Please tactically mute/censor bad words- references to boosters or firewater must be as subtle as possible.
- Please adhere to the Twitch community guidelines, particularly the section regarding appropriate content.
- Also, if you include Discord pings in your audio you will probably have your video reflected.
Technical Rules
- Adverts must have a resolution of 1920x1080 with a 1:1 pixel aspect ratio and will not be accepted in any other resolutions.
- Adverts should not contain vertical black bars.
- Adverts should be 25 frames per second and will not be accepted at any other frame rate.
- Advert length should be exactly 15 seconds long.
- If you are using Royalty Free / Creative Commons audio then credit the author somewhere in the end plate of your video (where you typically put your Logo, URL and such).
- Include the source of your audio in your message to us, even if you are not required to credit the author.
- Video codec should be Mp4 or MOV file with H.264 as a compressor at 15 to 20Mbps.
- Please label your video file appropriately. Example: AllianceName_AdTitle_AT15.mp4
- You can submit multiple adverts but they will rotate with each cycle and we will aim to distribute them by creator rather than by number of submissions.
Royalty Free audio
We don’t want to take any chances of getting into trouble (or having our content blocked) for using copyrighted material, so we must insist on Royalty Free audio. There is a vast amount of Royalty Free audio online so it should be easy to find a suitable track to back up those pretty visuals.
Please submit all content to by Friday the 11th of November 2020, to enable the videos to be processed in time for broadcast on the first weekend. We cannot guarantee that videos submitted after this time will be considered.
Any questions not otherwise covered, please drop us a mail.