AI Bot Case Study

Alright ladies and gents,

I have recently taken up some studying in machine learning/AI development and as a project and I have been considering the idea of developing a Eve Bot.

Lets me clear here, I have scoped it in terms of third party tools and I have identified parameters and areas that i cannot develop into. But considering these limitations I am looking for some feedback on wether it would be of actual benefit at all, considering what the main stream bots already know where exactly do you believe it would fit?

Just to re-iterate I have indeed had a conversation with CCP about this subject and have been cleared in terms of usage.

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For the love of Bob, please don’t let it be another Jita chat bot…

Haha no no. It would have the ability to do that and more but I had a quick chat with CCP and the parameters were made clear, plus I would like to avoid a ban.

Well, we’d probably need to know more about the proposal for what exactly it would do (even in broad terms) to offer any kind of opinion on its usefulness…

It wouldn’t.

Now focus on something that has nothing to do with “AI” or “bots”, at least when it comes to EVE.


Imagine a bot that can be just like a human in EVE who knows how to trade, interact with corpmates, has advanced fitting knowledge, and can create fleet doctrine in minutes vs hours!

Not that scripted site garbage we see now in NS. Anyone can script a bot to run a site, dock up, and do it all over again.

Super cool stuff to me.

To be realistic I think this might happen in 15+ years. :man_shrugging:

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I think a great application for AI bots in EVE is to lazily write a character bio background based on a few inputs by the player.


I thought there was a corp whose ceo is an AI. Plus you got rogue AI on the discord.

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How about a chat bot that constantly complains about a selected subject?

:smirk: :innocent: :popcorn:

How about a Forum-Bot that automatically flags complaint-postings and topics?

I hope your bot has a better grasp of basic grammar, punctuation, and capitalization than its author.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Are you the one talking with Asher, talking about essentially cheating and funneling confiscated ISK/ships from CCP to GSF?

Or is everyone just out there doing this stuff, asking CCP to use the game as a guinea pig?

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Hey hey, I was working right :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well the original conception was taking the existing language models available and tuning it with a specific knowledge based focused around eve, mainly advanced fitting knowledge and suggestions for improvements to fits etc etc. But I have tested multiple language models and it appears they know alot already. There is possibilities for it to be able to interact with the game but that is an extremely thin tightrope.

Thats the idea, the language model would require community input though.

No and yes. Dont like Asher.

CCP would not be here w/o constant innovation.

Quite sure the vets back in the start of EVE would laugh at the younger generation also. So on and so on and so on.

This is an exotic form of salt.


The current fittings window does not show what you can expect from a ship with further levels of training. It only shows your DPS, EHP, range, etc with current skills. This actually makes it harder to decide whether to even go for a specific ship or fitting. Something that actually showed the full benefits of levelling up would be good ( and should in any case already be part of Eve ).

I am all for “higher learning” but you could just as easy practice on an offline game or make a bot for a game running on your own personal server. Why would you do this on an active MMO?

I sure hope you have no misunderstandings and got this all in writing from the top down. I find this very interesting. I wonder what they would say, if I asked them polity to test the integrity of their server’s firewall?

Fly safe o7 and code safe too.