Alpha changes (enforced HS green safety)

You are free to waste your time as you see fit. That’s what we’re all here for. :grin:

At least you admit it.

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This is obvious trolling bait.

Best to ignore it. It’s clear who knows more about this game, it’s mechanics and gameplay.

And it ain’t Elizabet-im-not-an-alt! Forgrave who likes to dismiss anything they don’t like and good counter-points as “wasting your time.”

It’s the best they can come up with.

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No…just for you I’m going to have fun every time we bash a 5 man corp station. And I’m going to get more gankers in my corp’s ganker wing.

So, you want to part of the problem?

OK, I wish you the best of luck. If you can drive up activity that’s a good thing. I just don’t have faith that incentivizing the farming of small corps and inexperienced players is the way to do that.

I don’t see that there is a problem. Putting up a station ought to carry some considerable risk. That risk clearly doesn’t deter people from putting up poorly defended stations. I mean, if station bashing groups went out and there were no 1 man corp stations to bash…maybe then there would be a problem as one could argue that people were being deterred. But they aren’t. There’s no end of small corp stations around…and bear in mind that groups like the one I am in only focus on a small area of Eve at a time and may not return for well over a year. I have no idea what BlackFlag do but that is certainly the case with our group.

But you still don’t address the problems of cores making it hard for small corps. :yawning_face:

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But I did address that issue when I said putting up a station ought to carry some considerable risk…and that includes the risk of being a juicier target.

Most corps probably have well over a year without us turning up. Probably more like two years. So its not like we show up every 5 minutes. All those smaller corps have ample time to grow. The fact that many don’t…well that’s another matter.

So, no small corps in game.

Got it.

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Like I said…there’s loads of smaller highsec corps that have had two years or so to grow since we last showed up. Whose fault is it that they are still a 5 man corp after 2 years ?

So no small corps.

Got it already. :roll_eyes:

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Certainly if anyone thinks they can run a 5 man Raitaru for 2 years and never have anyone come and attack it…they are living in cloud cuckoo land.

You know there are some people who single handedly attack the lowest defended stations ? It doesnt even need a fleet of 30.

Attack yes, destroy it, no.

I like discussing this with you as you have no clue what’s it’s like to be in a small corp.

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Why would I care ? I am playing a ruthless game.

Is this your main? Are you really that young in game? :rofl:

You’re still missing the point that the only reason they are a “juicer target” is because of an NPC item that bypasses normal drop rules to be a guaranteed payoff for any attacker. And it wasn’t put in to make small corps a target it was put in to combat structure spam and space clutter and had the unintended side effect of incentivizing attacks against small corps.

A “ruthless game” in which you fly with an alliance that farms the least risky structures for an easy payoff. Why do the people most adamant that EVE is supposed to be ruthless tend to be the most risk-averse players?

Maybe we need something like a players structure Union.

This would be the combat arm of all the small corps wanting a structure, 200 small corp supplying one alt min to help defend themselves. Some rich groups could even chip in and hire small merc groups to bolster this force.

Yes I know the big war dec groups would call on more help from null but every time they wanted to kick a small group they would have the prospect of extra resistance.

The allied sys works great for this.

I don’t trust you, but for the sake of augment, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Just for a chuckle! :laughing:

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Most are to lazy…