Alpha changes (enforced HS green safety)

So then if they got rid of cores so that it was back to the old, better system, you’d still want to shoot them then, right?

Sure…I dunno where you get the idea that I make a fortune from it. Over the time period, I’d almost certainly make more mining in a barge. Neither of which I really ‘need’ to do for ISK as I have billions.

Says you.

But you’re wrong. The new system is better.

I never said you make a fortune from it, I said that alliances like yours target small corps because of the cores. It’s profitable and low risk to farm them since CCP incentivized it by adding NPC sold cores that can’t be removed, always drop and always have NPC buyers. Removing those cores would remove the incentive to take down structures belonging to small corps.

On what basis?

Simple. You’re simply wrong, and I’m right.

And that is just how it is.

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Says the troll who demands NPC-based mechanics to prevent ganking.


Sigh. We target what is out there. It can vary from an abandoned station for a 1 man corp, up to a well defended station for 100 man or more corp. I’ve had the latter on several occasions…and only kept my ship thanks to logi.

Have you ever flown a Phantasm that’s been neuted by the station and is under attack by several Tornados ? Your nonsense narrative is just tiresome.

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Repeating that won’t make it true.

In real battles, people on both sides lose ships. I understand you think you’re in the best alliance in the game and you’re fighting uphill battles and winning through skill, but that’s not actually true. Your alliance is built on taking the least amount of risk for the reward and cores enable you to do that far more easily.

Not specifically a phantasm but yes I’ve been in fights against structures in which the structure and an on-grid fleet of ships is fighting. Even recently I’ve been in structure fights with dreads and fax logi deployed on both sides.

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Thats where CCP fails. They nerf the mechanics and not the play style.

Oh for crying out loud. So now you’re an expert on ‘real battles’, as well as everything else under the sun.

You DO know that station bashing fleets bring along considerable logi for fleet support ?

Nope…you seriously haven’t a clue. You are just continuing your usual trend of telling everyone else what they do. It’s laughable.

Perhaps I should elaborate.

The old system that you love so much was created and programmed by a bunch of men. By continuing to support this old mechanic, you are supporting the established patriarchy. It just throws all the hard work and change that CCP aurora had been fighting against back into her face. You might as well be spitting on her.

Don’t be that person.


She’s under the illusion that because we hardly lose any ships ( though I’m sure a few have been lost since I joined ) it means we never face any opposition. Which is just sheer nonsense. The reality is the FC makes sure there is enough logi to support the fleet so we don’t lose ships. That is also why logi themselves often get attacked…why there is a logi chain…and why they anchor further from the station.

Strawman, again. I say something you dislike, you start pretending that I’m claiming to be an expert. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to say that a real fight will see losses incurred on both sides.

Bringing logi does not mean you don’t lose ships. I didn’t actually realize how naive and inexperienced you were until just now.

Nonsense. You’re deluded. You think your alliance which is well known for being a structure farming alliance is amazing, so amazing in fact that you think you fight risky battles with zero losses pretty much every time you fight.

The reality is that your alliance takes the lowest possible risks at all times and that if you ever took an even fight you’d get steamrolled because none of your pilots have any real experience.

Again, this does not mean you would never lose ships. There are logi chains and logi distance on both sides of most big fleet battles that are even remotely even. Ships get lost on both sides. You’re acting like what your FC is doing is some exceptional tactic when it’s literally the basic standard.

I have been in over 80 station bashes…and you have been in one. And you have the gall to lecture me on the subject ?

Is there anything you aren’t a self declared demi-god expert in ?

Even on this character, I’ve been on more than one.

Yep, because from what you are typing you are demonstrating that you haven’t got the faintest clue what’s going on.

See, dishonestly again. I’ve never declared myself an expert. You keep claiming I have but I haven’t. All I’ve done is speak to my experience which is clearly better than yours in every conceivable way.

LOL !!

I cannot think of a single thing, a single topic, in which you have posted in which you have not declared yourself to be vastly more knowledgeable than everyone else. You have never done ganking…yet somehow you are an expert on it. You have bashed one ( ok…maybe two ) stations…and now you are an expert on it. Again and again you know more about stuff than people who actually do it on a regular basis !

Laughing at a fact doesn’t stop it being a fact.

Again, I haven’t claimed to be an expert. You keep telling me that by disagreeing with you I’m claiming to be an expert. I clearly do know more than you though, that apparently does not require expert level knowledge though.

You may do it on a regular basis, but you’re just a line member. You show up and follow orders, that doesn’t require knowledge, which is why the other day you claimed that cores could be removed and why today you are claiming that logi chains and keeping logi at range makes you invincible.

Ya know what ? I am beyond caring. Rant away. You are simply not worth the time. I give all your nonsense a great big ‘Frankly, my dear…I don’t give a damn’.

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Can I have your stuff?

I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying in Eve to bash stations and if it annoys Elizabet then good. I hope we bash loads of stations this season. Oh, and I must get 30 more Catalysts for my ganker.