Security status effects tethering

Is @Lucas_Kell vindicated? Is it the end as we know it? Cats and dogs living together? Mass hysteria?


It is like a cat trying to operate the nuclear power plant at this point. CCP is just changing stuff they donā€™t understand, hoping it will save them.


Iā€™m sure they will still be able to dock in their own citadelsā€¦

Ahā€¦my business selling clone solider tags will do a roaring trade now.

See, the secret to winning Eve is to have a foot in every camp.


The way some of those read if your security status is low enough you canā€™t even dock in a ship, only a capsule

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Nobody should need to dock in a ship, only undock.


I find it funny that ccp now punishes you for playing the game. Great game design cpp! 10/10


The game? They only care about whether you are paying for your subscription and buying skins.

no its not in no way this is change good, it will only kill the game more


why ? because now you donā€™t have to worry about ā€œthe big bad ganker manā€?

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It wont affect my own ganking at allā€¦as Iā€™d already planned to stay above -2.5 status. I mainly fly 11m ISK T2 Catalysts, and have already factored in that the cost of clone soldier tags and Concord fee effectively raise each gank to 19m ISK. Plus I have billions of ISK sitting around doing nothing anywayā€¦so any such change to ganking really only affects poorer players.

People asked how does Lucas feelā€¦but heck, this is a move that favours ā€˜P2Wā€™ people, his other pet hate.


Lucas says gankers are evil griefers and that their removal from the game would be beneficial.

The Meta Show S3 Ep32 - A Fair and Balanced Discussion of Ganking - YouTube watch this and you will then understand why its not a good idea

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You cleary did not watch the video then. In it Brisc stats this: that when they nerf ganking they kill 20 subs (paying accounts that the ganker owns) to save the freighter account owner that has maby 2 omega accounts. So if ccp cared about money they would be making a massive error. as you are making someone who is paying for 20+ account leave in favor of someone paying for 2 accounts. See where i am going?


Additionally, alpha clones will not be able to disable their safeties in high sec.


that is also a bad idea, now new players who are not alpha now canā€™t try there hand at something that may get them into the game and get them paying for an account


But it wonā€™t be part of the game, so there is no need for them to try it.

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So let me get this right, because other mmos donā€™t like it. that means that we have to not like it as well? maby if people want to be be hand held they should go play WoW. This is Eve Online, not Hello Kitty online.

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If salt has lost its taste, it is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under peopleā€™s feet.


its not about salt its about the freedom that eve online had, you can scam in this game, you could gank people, you could ransom thier ship and then blow it up after they payed you off. the point was you could do anything now those things are being taken away, wonā€™t be long before someone gets scamed and then crys to ccp over it and then ccp makes rules saying scaming is not ok anymore. see how this gets onto a slippery slope

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