Alpha changes (enforced HS green safety)

No I’m not ‘missing’ it. I agree with things being that way. I’d find it absurd if a 2-3bn ISK structure dropped nothing.

It is you who keep missing the fact that if people can’t defend something, they should not put it up in space. ‘Don’t undock what you cannot afford to lose’ applies to everything…including stations.

Well its odd how you originally called me a ‘liar’ when I said that members got any share at all.

What is your vested interest in the matter ? I mean its obvious you have one.

And if that union gained an N+1 advantage you’d have no destruction…in a game that relies on destruction to keep the economy going.

Eve needs things going ‘kaboom’.

It is the perennial problem of Eve, it needs destruction but nobody wants to be on the receiving end of it.

I started in a small corp. CCP killed it along with 2/3 of its player base.
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How long have you been playing again?

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Long enough to have an alt in a 300 man corp and a 200 man corp…neither of which had a station. Long enough to have my own corp ( HQ in Vittenyn ). In fact I still have it.


What does that have to do with being in a small corp?


Seriously ? A corp can get to 300 and 200 people without ever owning a player station, and that’s irrelevant ?

Yes, compared to what it takes a small corp to do the same.

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I like salt but I’m too old to add it to my food anymore! :rage:

Surely the whole idea of a small corp is to become a big corp, and not take on big corp aspirations without doing so.

If I put up a Raitaru in Vittenyn…which my 2 man corp could not possibly defend…would I seriously expect passers by to just think ’ Oh, that’s Altara’s Raitaru…we’d better leave it as its just a piddling little corp and we should wait until the corp is 1000 people and then come back ’

You are a noob! Wow, I thought you were just a front…

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Oh I see…so you want all the defence benefits of a 200 man corp, with a 5 man corp. I get it.

No, I want just a chance to survive.

So how would I get this with a small corp?

If you had some form of extra protection ( or lack of juicyness ) for small corps, then large corps could simply create lots of small holding corps for un-juicy stations that could moon mine or whatever to their heart’s content and take advantage of it all.

We had that till the core change. Next.

Why? A dread Hull costs more than that and the Hull drops nothing. Certainly no magic NPC loot.

Which means you only think big alliances should be allowed structures. Except now you’ll start screaming at me claiming I’m putting words in your mouth.

You sure they didn’t have holding corps with structures?

Why? What’s the matter with not wanting to end up in some gigantic blob of players?

Then, as the prior situation was fully exploitable maybe that is the reason CCP made the change. In which case I agree with it even more.

In what way was it exploitable?

In what way? We got blapped a bunch of times. But never lost the station, just wasn’t worth it except for the chance of a fight.

Everyone should be ‘allowed’ structures. Everyone should be ‘allowed’ to park their prize battlecruiser at the gate camp at Ahbazon. Everyone should be ‘allowed’ to mine for 3 days non stop in a barge without ever looking at the screen while binge watching Netflix.

You get the gist ?