Alpha changes (enforced HS green safety)

No you don’t care, that’s not the same as every body.
Of course you don’t want small groups in high sec to work together, keep them dumb and weak so keeping them easy prey.

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Actually, if other people cared about those corps, they would join them. So we can logically conclude that nobody cares, and those corps deserve to die.

If you care so much, go join them. Of course, even you don’t care.

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Of course you can’t logically conclude, there are so many factors.

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People vote with their feet.

If you care about the corp, join it.


Why would people work together when surely they want to see their competitors destroyed…preferably by them. In a game where the very economy itself relies on destruction, a mutual defence union reduces the destruction and thus reduces the industry those corps are relying on.

You might argue that people don’t care to compete with some corp on the other side of Eve. But then surely that’s the exact same reason they are not going to rush to their defence either.

There is no ‘one size fits all’ solution.

You guys can’t have it both ways. Liz cant tell me in one breath that all we ever destroy is 5 man corp stations, which means there must by definition be lots of them…while you insinuate in the next breath that they are some sort of endangered species.

Which is it ?

I see no contradiction here. There was a lot or rabbits but we killed a lot so they are endangered.

There’s actually no less rabbits to kill this year than there was last year or the year before. I’d be concerned if there was, and there might actually be a genuine issue. But rabbits are as plentiful as ever…so the cost of a quantum core, etc, etc, clearly isn’t putting masses of people off. And why would it ? The cost of a quantum core for a Raitaru is comparable with a battleship cost…its not exactly some staggering amount. The corp has likely made vastly more from moon mining before the pirates show up and steal the core.

These people don’t care about new players at all.

What they care about is themselves, they want to be immune to PvP, and play the game without the challenge posed by other players. So they will insist endlessly that your PvP actions are ruining the game by driving away new players, but they are only thinking about themselves. Most new players enjoy a challenge.


Have you got any stats for how many active small corps existed last year and how many existed this year?

I think what you are saying is that you believe you are still getting as many targets as last year. Putting aside that I doubt you have data for that too, all that means is that the number of remaining active small corps is not yet below the number of small corps you target each year. It doesn’t mean the number isn’t going down.

There is, EvE mail

Do you?

And where are your stats that show this?

What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander my little not-an-alt.

There’s people and alliances all over Eve destroying structures. In some cases a single person does it on their own with really poorly defended ones…though I cant imagine sitting there for 10 hours to do that, but it happens. Thus I am going by the fact that there is still plenty left in any new area one turns up in.

Again though, if there were 1000 last year and wardeccers targetted 200 and 100 new ones showed up then the overall trend is still downwards even though your target pool is still abundant. You claimed that there are no less this year than last year, so show me the stats you are using to make that claim.

You gank ventures, are a F1 monkey who’s so self centered that you fly the wrong ship with the wrong tank during doctrine fleets (according to your own words), you’ve never done lowsec FW or 1v1 pvp, yet you’re always the most knowledgeable person on this entire forum and you allow yourself to treat people like you’re superior to them. I think you should take a little time off any eve related stuff and maybe reconnect to reality, and understand that no one has perfect knowledge in this game, even people who started playing at day 1, or CCP guys. And I mean that kindly and respectfully, cause you’re so selfish that makes you really toxic :slightly_smiling_face:

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Show me the data that supports this downward trend


Actually I have never ganked a Venture. So you are off to a flying start.

I have 9 characters. I dont advertise what most of them get up to. For very good reasons.

Says the person who’s just posted the most toxic post of the thread.

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I believe that “ItsFayko”, “ItsMeFayko”, and “ItsOnlyFayko” are your alts, which if they are means that you indeed gank ventures (as seen here ItsOnlyFayko | Character | zKillboard). If they are not your alts, which I cannot prove as I don’t have your token and can’t see your alts, then I am wrong, sorry for that :slightly_smiling_face:

As for my post being “the most toxic post of the thread”, that is arguable as we all know our opinion is subjective and it isn’t possible to objectively establish an opinion about the most toxic post of any thread. I would argue against your statement as you are, again, extremely selfish and have a huge superiority complex, but that is only my opinion :smile:

I hope that you realize that there are other activities than eve, and that you, as people say, “touch grass”, kind sir :grin:


What I love about this, is miss not-an-alt here makes up a completely hypothetical situation, pretends it’s the “truth” of what’s happening and then expects you to provide “real” data to support your own counter to her hypothetical nonsense.

These semantics headgames are very similar to ones that he-who-must-not-be-named play.


Oh gawd. Nope.

Ideal for Eve. I should go far.