Alpha changes (enforced HS green safety)

Glad to see I was right. When facing the truth you can’t cope with it. Saddening but not surprising :smile:

Actually, there is a way anyone could obtain hard and fast data on the replacement rate of destroyed stations. But good luck to them spending days going round systems using scanners to look for new stations and comparing with what was destroyed in killboard.

I await Elizabet’s findings on this !

True, but is it realistic for one person to go and talk to every station owner to collect the base number, and then continue to be in communication with them for years and collect all the losses and gains?

Not really. It would take a dedicated team of people.

Or, and the much more reliable method, CCP measuring those metrics in real time and then releasing them to the public. Which I don’t think they typically do.

You’re the one making the claim, so why would I fly around gathering data for you? Instead, I’m concluding that since you have no data and you’ve demonstrated limited understanding of quite a lot of mechanics that it’s more likely you’re just making it up.

You won’t.

Remember the whole thing is hypothetical so they will fall back to “semantics,” and “not worth my time” because that’s how they set these arguments up.

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Odd how the person who most says ‘so you’re saying that…’ is also the person who most says ’ that’s not what I said '.

I’d like to think we were all debating by the same standards.

I’m not sure I could stoop low enough to meet your standards… :wink:

No, its a ‘simple’ matter of seeing what systems were visited in the past, and viewing what is there now. The problem being that I don’t know what activity other groups have been up to since.

I am curious to know…so am going to go have a look at a few systems.

I’d agree with you…but then we’d both be wrong.

That’s making the wild assumption that people put citadels in the same systems every time and that old groups aren’t being replaced by new groups.

You’d need to know across the game how many small groups were putting down citadels over time with data updated on a periodic basis, and no one but CCP will have that data. I don’t know if that number is up or down on the past, but neither do you so your previous claim is baseless.

Is a small sampling going to be enough to make a meaningful measure?

I can expand it over time. I’m just fascinated to know if anything has sprung up at all.

Well, the very first system I checked, we destroyed 6 Athanors in September, and guess how many are there now.

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For each graph : per month, according to MER, excluding NPC involed kills, one graph with lines and one graph with stacked values

structure kills count in HS

structure kills value in HS

structure kills count in LS

structure kills count in NS

structure kills count in WS

Destroying small corps’ structures is too little risk for too much reward to be allowed, but a beginner corp leaving billion isk structures undefended should be guarded from risk because that’s “good for the game”. Curious.

Don’t anchor what you can’t afford to loose.


Noone said they should be guarded from risk, their structures should be able to be attacked. The issue is on top of the risk to the billion isk structures CCP have added an NPC-driven financial incentive to target small corp structures. It’s that additional financial incentive that should not exist.

I can’t speak for Liz.

An exaggeration possibly?

You have no better numbers than I.

That was fine till the extra target on the back.

I’m not sure what you mean here.

1st rule of EvE. Don’t fly what you can’t afford to loose. How is that any different for a player owned station?




It’s a loot drop.

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